Berry Sweet~

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(Song is: Pour Some Sugar on Me. A cover done by Ninja Sex Party and Tupperware Remix Party)


Normal mornings are usually someone waking up to their alarm clock, waking up earlier than their alarm clock, or are abruptly woken up by something like a pet or some kind of noise outside caused by an alarm, a large explosion, etc.

However for one unfortunate boy, (F/N) (L/N), he was woken up by something else entirely.

A glass cup was chucked at him and shattered over his face! Some small cuts formed on his face, small amounts of blood trickling out and instantly going down his head.

"Ow!" He shouted as he quickly sat up. The pain pushing his body into overdrive and waking him up. He quickly felt around for any other cups and tried to keep the blood back into his own body. He looked down and saw the remnants of the cup, swiping away the shards that were left on his bed. The (H/C) haired boy was more frustrated than depressed. This was almost his standard alarm. He reached over and grabbed a nearby shirt and wiped away the blood that was forming. He looked over at where the bottle came from, where he saw the familiar sight of a woman, with pink hair and a rockin' body, which wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't for the fact that it was that woman that chucked the glass cup at him.

It wasn't his mother, but his father's recent girlfriend.

"It's about time you woke up," the lady said, before she reached over and grabbed another glass cup and poured herself some liquor. "You've got school, brat," she said.

And then, from the side, (F/N)'s actual father walked into view. He looked between his girlfriend and his son. The short man let out a hum, before looking towards the woman.

"What's going on here? I thought I heard something." He sounded concern, but that tone of concern in his voice was dropped when he saw that it was (F/N) who was holding his head, and remnants of blood staying on his head.

"Was it me shouting 'ow' or the glass from the cup she threw?" (F/N) asked as he pulled the shirt back to see the kind of blood forming from the cuts in his head. His father turned to the woman.

"Valerie, dear," he began, "I cannot accept how you wake up my son." He took the half-full cup of alcohol and walked into (F/N)'s room. (F/N) mentally rolled his eyes as he watched his father stand next to him. "This is how you wake him up." He splashed the remaining bits of alcohol over (F/N)'s face, which made him flinch and close his eyes. "See? No visible cuts or scrapes." He then turned to his son and looked down at him. "Get yourself cleaned up, you're almost late for school." He walked out of (F/N)'s room with a grin on his face and handed the glass back to the woman, Valerie, leaving her with a big spank from him. She looked back at (F/N) with a smug look and a little chortle, and continued on to the living room to enjoy her glass of alcohol.

(F/N) took a deep breath and threw the covers off of him. Yet another set of sheets he'd have to throw into the washer.

This was common in his household, and he'd often wonder what his actual, biological mother saw in the fucker to either marry him or do the deed to produce the unlucky sperm to deal with him.

While frustrated, (F/N) grabbed the clothes he'd need for a quick shower and some first-aid. As much as he despised his current situation, if this was what he has to put up with in order to see some better individuals, then he would deal with it.

Not to mention, he doesn't really have a job, yet, in order to support himself.

He could spot, from the corner of his eyes, his phone light up from a notification. He let out a huff. Valerie must've done it, cause his alarm was distinctly quiet. He walked over and picked up the little device, where he could see a mountain of notifications from the games he has installed, some emails, and some missed calls from random numbers. But one that was prioritized over the others was a text from someone named "Sarena".

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