Chapter 14, Who are you?

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...I packed up my things in my bag.

I also wrote a note and put in on top of the dining table.

I'm going to be gone for a long time, that's for sure.

I'm going to stop Marmalade once and for all.

I made sure to close all of my windows and all of my curtains.

In the note that I wrote, I said:

"Dear mom, I will be gone for 1 or 2 years. I will be going somewhere, I promise I will take care. I brought all of my essential things along with me. I will try to be back as soon as possible. Please don't try and find me, because you will not find me anywhere. I love you mom, and I will be back when I've done all of my planned things. Take care. -Rein."

At this point, I was almost set.

But there was just one thing left to do.

I got up and opened my computer for one last time.

I googled the map of Los Angeles in the movie.

When I got the map, I prepared the portal.

When that was done, I took a deep breath, and I went in.

I woke up on a grass field just near the city.

I walked into the city, I was roaming the streets looking for the gang.

I checked the date in my phone.

It was July 2 2022.

The date the Bad Guys was first set in.

I then heard a bunch of sirens.

And when I looked to my right, I saw them.

The Bad Guys was being chased by the police, as usual.

I then stole a motorcycle.

Then, I followed the Bad Guy's car.

Then, a bunch of police cars started chasing me as well.

"Well this is a good start." I said with a smirk on my face.

As I started driving even faster, I was going past traffic.

This was the first crime that I did.

I lost the cops because of the heavy traffic that the Bad Guys made.

I then silently followed their car down to the Los Angeles river canal.

I watched as their car went up the elevator going to their hideout.

"Ok, now that I know where they lived, how will I cooperate with them to let me in?" I thought to myself." Hmm... I know!
I will stealthily sneak up their elevator, and then surprise them." I said to myself.

So I did it.

I used my artificial abilities to sneak up their elevator without them noticing.

When the elevator dinged, they all turned around to see that someone found their hideout.

"Wait a minute. Who are you and, how did you find us?" Mr Wolf, the leader of the gang asked.

"Hello gentlemen, and also the lady. My name is James Chestershire. You may not know me, but I know each and every one of you." I said with a small but noticeable smirk on my face.

"Alright then, speak up. How much do you really know us?" He said with a smirk on his face.

I then took a very deep breath and said this: "Well, first of all, you Mr Wolf, are the leader of the group. You pickpocket people very well. You are a very impressive driver. And for some reason, you are a very flirty guy." I said while raising an eyebrow and smirking. "And you Mr Snake, you have excellent safecracking skills. You are the Houdini but with no arms. And, you have a very big obsession with push pops and you are a very greedy person. Mr Shark, Master of disguise. Your greatest trick was stealing the Mona Lisa, dressed up as the Mona Lisa. You also fight with Mr Snake a lot because of the Push Pops. Mr Piranha, you are the muscle of the group. You also have a problem with farting too much when you get nervous. You also speak Spanish, because you were from Bolivia. Ms Tarantula, otherwise known as Webs. You are the group's in house hacker. The group's pocket search engine. You can hack into any kind of security system or gadget." I said while walking around in a circle while my hands are at my back.

"Ok but, how do you know all of this stuff?" Mr Wolf asked.

It's a secret that I will most likely never tell you.

I said with a smirk.

Everyone then sat down on the sofa.

Mr Wolf and the rest of the gang were shocked.

Because they never told anyone their secrets.

Mr Wolf then turned on the TV to try to process what just happened.

And then, Diane Foxington, the newly elected governor of California showed up on TV.

She gave a speech about the bad guys.

And after that, Mr Wolf got a little furious after hearing her comment about the declining group.

I know what will happen next, but I hesitated if I will tell them my knowledge about the heist or not.

To be continued...

*Author's note*
Gosh, this chapter was really fun to think of and write. I hope you liked it :)

I will be posting chapter 15 tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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