Chapter 17, The Heist

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..."Ladies and gentlemen, your emcee for the Good Samaritan Awards..." The lady broadcasted.

"All right, Shark, we're in." Mr Wolf said to Mr Shark, who was still acting as if he was pregnant.

"Oops, I forgot, I'm not pregnant." Mr Shark said to the people as he walked away.

"...president of the committee, Governor Diane Foxington." The lady in the PA announced.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Last year, we faced our biggest test when a meteorite crashed into our dear city. That meteorite didn't just make a hole in our city. It made a hole in our hearts." Diane said.

"-Aw." The audience said.

"But even in tragedy, Professor Marmalade, he did what he does so well. He made us look at things differently. And thanks to you, Marmalade, the Love Crater Meteorite will forever serve as a symbol of how there is good, even in the worst places." Diane said to the audience.

Meanwhile, Mr Wolf and Piranha went on to remove their disguise clothes.

Beneath their suits, was a jumpsuit.

They jumped as high as they could.

Mr Snake then catched them through the vent that was above the Golden Dolphin.

Mr Piranha then went up the vent to hold Mr Snake's tail.

"This is going surprisingly smoothly." Mr Wolf said as he was about to grab the Dolphin.

But, the ring in his pocket fell, and hit the Dolphin.

Lasers then came out to shoot the ring.

But luckily, Mr Wolf lifted his finger just in time before the laser could hit him.

"What the molt is that?" Mr Snake asked.

"-The Wolf Piranha Snake Shark Tarantula Protection System." Mr Wolf said.

"The WPPST?" Webs asked.

"This was not supposed to happen." Mr Wolf said.

"What?" Mr Snake asked.

"Guys, calm down. I'm on it. Initiating WPSST override protocol." Webs said as she pulled out a USB.

"Get it, queen!" Webs exclaimed.

The computer denied her access to override the protection system.

"Did it work?" Mr Wolf asked.

"Just give me five minutes." Webs replied.

"And now, please join me in welcoming to the stage..." Diane said to the audience.

"We don't have five minutes." Mr Snake said.

"...Professor Marmalade." Diane continued to say.

"Aw." Professor Marmalade said.

"We love you, Professor Marmalade!" A man exclaimed.

"The pig is on the move. I repeat, the pig is on the move." Mr Shark broadcasted to the gang.

"Webs, Webs, the curtain's going up any minute." Mr Wolf said.

"It's not letting me in."Webs replied.

"Check your system preferences. You probably need to download a driver. Try rebooting." Mr Wolf and Mr Snake exclaimed.

"Oh, my gosh, you fixed it." Webs said.

"Really?" Mr Wolf and Mr Snake asked.

"No!" Webs exclaimed.

"-Hey, Larry. Come on, open up. What did we say about locking doors?" Chief Luggins said while trying to open the steel door.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Shark, I got a situation here." Webs said.

"Copy that. I'm on my way." Mr Shark replied.

"Hurry up, guys." Mr Piranha said as he is trying to hold in his farts.

"Time to turn this baby on beast mode. Eat it, WPSST!" Webs said as she pressed a button on her computer to release all of the hidden keyboards.

"Please, not now." Mr Piranha said.

"Wait, wait. No, no, no, no, Piranha!" Mr Wolf said.

"This award is for... (Farts...) (Clears throat) As I was saying..." Professor marmalade said.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Mr Piranha said as he let out his farts.

"Piranha! Are you kidding me?" Webs exclaimed.

"Sorry!" Mr Piranha replied.

"And that's why my Gala for Goodness will raise all the money needed for those less fortunate." Professor Marmalade said.

"Come on!" Chief Luggins exclaimed.

At the same time, Webs took a deep breath and held it. So that she wouldn't smell Mr Piranha's farts.

"I'm starting to get mad here, Larry." Chief Luggins said as she took out her keys to unlock the door.

"Webs! Webs!" Mr Wolf exclaimed.

"And now the moment we've all been waiting for." Diane said.

The curtains then started to rise up.

"-Whoa!" Mr Wolf and Mr Snake exclaimed as they looked at the curtains going up.

As Chief Luggins was about to open the door, Mr Shark came in to distract her.

"Excuse me. Is this the ladies' room?" Mr Shark asked.

"Oh, uh, y-you need to take a right at the end of the hall, ma'am. Chief Luggins said.

When the door was opened, Webs regained consciousness, and continued to override the security systems.

She thought she succeeded, but there was one more step.

"Yes. Whoop-bam!" She exclaimed.

But then, a captcha appeared that said: I'm not a tarantula.

"Oh, come on!" She said as she pressed the captcha.

The lasers then got disabled.

"And now it is my honor to award Professor Marmalade with the Golden Dolphin!" Diane said.

But as the curtains went up, they all saw that the Golden Dolphin was gone.

"-No." They all said.

"Yes! I mean, yes!" Mr Shark said as he walked away from the Chief.

"What?" She asked.

She then turned around and opened the door.

When she saw that the dolphin was gone, she screamed and immediately closed the door.

"Everyone, everyone, uh, please don't panic. Just stay calm. I',-I'm sure there's an explanation for this. I repeat, uh, please do not panic." Diane said to the audience while trying to calm them down.

In the meantime, we all walked out of the venue, all the way to the staircase to exit the place.

"Nice work, everybody. Now, let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here." Mr Wolf said to us as we were leaving.

"Ah, wordplay. I don't get it." Mr Piranha said as he walked out along with us.

To be continued...

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