Chapter 16, Boys, it's Dolphin season

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…It’s now time for step 3.

“Once we’re in, it’s on to step three:
We split up and we take our positions.” Mr Wolf said to the gang as we all waked in to the museum.

Officers, if the Bad Guys crash this event, I am definitely going to lose my job, and I will not hesitate to take you down with me. –Now, move out.” Chief Luggins ordered to the officers.

“—Yes, ma’am!” The officers replied.

When we we’re inside, we split up to our positions.

(You may be wondering, what will I do? Great question. Unfortunately, they made me the look out of all the doors. And I am supposed to report to them if any guards are approaching. I hate my job…)

“Mic’s on. Everyone on comms, do you copy?” Webs said.

“Copy.” Everyone said.

As in the movie, Snake went up the vents, Mr Piranha swam down the sewage pipes, Mr Shark went and sat down on one of the chairs in the venue, Webs sneaked in the surveillance room, Mr Wolf went to pickpocket Chief Luggin’s card, and I on the other hand, walked around the hallways in search for patrolling guards.

Webs successfully hacked into the security cameras.

“Boys, it’s Dolphin season.” Webs said as she looked at the Golden Dolphin through the CCTV’s.

“Copy that. I’m on the move.” Mr Piranha said as he went out of the bathroom stall.

“Unit two, is the backstage area still secure?” Chief Luggins asked through the radio.

“Unit two. All clear.” The officer replied.

“This is all the training pays off. Luggins replied.

Mr Wolf then bumped into her on purpose to steal her card.

“-Oh, pardon me. -Terribly sorry. ” Mr Wolf said.

“-Not a problem, sir. Keep your eyes open, boys. They could be anywhere, just waiting to humiliate us. Luggins said.

At the same time, Mr Wolf showed the card to the audience.

He showed the card to Webs who was watching at the surveillance camera.

“Wolf is in position. Piranha, you all penguin-suited and booted?” Webs said. 

“Affirmative. I’m a clean, mean, Dolphin-stealing machine. What’s going on, guys?” Mr Piranha said while walking with a cart and a tray full of food.

Mr Wolf then walked through an alleyway where he stole people’s wallets and jewelry without them noticing.

While Mr Wolf was walking downstairs, he saw an old lady.

Beside her, was a shoulder bag full of money and jewelry.

As he was holding the bag, preparing to snatch the money inside, the old lady tripped and almost fell.

Luckily, Mr Wolf was holding it, and prevented the old lady from falling down the stairs.

“-Here, let me help you. Are you ok ma’am? ” Mr Wolf said.

“Oh, my gracious, yes. I may be dizzy, but I’m alive, thanks to you.” The old lady said as she hugged the legs of Mr Wolf.

“-What are you…” Mr Wolf said.

“Thank you, dear. You’re such a good boy. The old lady said as she grabbed Mr Wolf’s arm and held it.

She then smiled and continued walking down the stairs.

Mr Wolf turned around and his tail wagged.

He tried to stop it and put it back under his pants.

My POV: As always. Everything is longer in personal than in the movies.

I look like a weirdo just walking around in circles.

Well, this is my idea.

So I have to bear the boredom as much as I can.

Or else, everything might not stick to plan.

Back to the movie’s POV: Mr Wolf went inside a room, where Mr Piranha is chopping up some vegetables.

“All good, brother?” Mr Piranha asked. “Yeah, all… a-all good. Yeah, yeah. Um… Webs, what do you say about moving on to step four?” Mr Wolf said.

Copy that. Shark, you’re up. –Do your thing.” Webs said.

“-Do I get to improvise?” Mr Shark asked.

“Yes, fine. Improvise. But please be subtle. Mr Wolf replied.

“Mm-hmm.” Mr Shark said. He then spilled his drink, threw the table away and shouted.

“I’m having a baby! Is there a doctor? Or perhaps several security guards that can leave their post and help me?” He yelled.

The guards then left their posts to see what was happening.

When they left, Mr Piranha and Mr Wolf then sneaked out the elevator, and Mr Wolf opened the door using the Chief’s stolen card.

When they we’re in, they peeked a little to see the two big guards guarding the door.

They nodded their head at each other and pushed the cart over to the two guards.

When the two guards saw the moving cart, they looked at each other.

One of the guards went closer to pick up the label.

“Fish surprise?” The guard said.

When he opened the cover, Piranha went out and yelled.

“Surprise!” He yelled.

He then went on and attack the two big guards.

When the guards were down, Mr Wolf picked up his phone in his pocket and went on to find his selfie with Diane.

“Hey, Webs, can you enhance this…” Mr Wolf said.

–Done. Eight Steps ahead of you, Wolfie. Webs replied.

Mr Wolf then proceeded to scan the scanner with a picture of Diane’s eye.

When the door opened, they walked in and saw the golden dolphin.

It was protected by many laser lights.

Mr Wolf then gave a chuckle.

And now, its time to steal!

To be continued…

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