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"What the fuck was that Spencer?" Coach yells at the whole fucking changing room, his voice full of anger and fury, I take my shirt off and run my fingers through my damped hair, avoiding the coach while he's in this state is the best thing I can do, if I talk back he'll just shout more and I already have a headache.

"You saw what happened out there right?? When that happen you should realize how much you fucked up , boy." Yeah I already realized, he releases a frustrated breath and storms out of the room.

I slam my fist against the locker, ignoring the pain that shoots through my arm because it's nothing compared to the pain I felt when I was on the field, my fans were turning against me, or no they were starting to become bored or finally realized how much I've been fucking up every match lately.

I storm into the shower and strip out of my clothes , or rather what's left of them , closing my eyes I let the cold water cascade down my neck and back , after I'm finished I step out of the bathroom and find coach waiting on the bench with his hands crossed over his chest and a raised brow.

Coach is in his mid-fifties , he's a fit man with dark brown skin and curly hair that he mostly keeps in a ponytail also sharp features that make him look even more intimidating than he already is.

"We need to fucking talk , Spencer" he says and I don't miss the way he says my name like he wants to punch my face , understandable coach...
I nod and wait for him to start his "talk" , he shakes his head lightly and stands up then walks straight to my face , he puts a hand on my shoulder and I fight the urge of removing it , you could say I'm not really a big fan of touching.

"You need to start promoting yourself again." He says and I raise a questioning brow , "i know that sounds weird but trust me , will you?" I stay silent and he takes that as a yes , "yes you've been fucking up a lot of matches lately but I know how talented you are and I believe that you're going to get better again..." he stays quiet for a moment then starts speaking again "people don't have that type of patience , they want an exciting match, someone who'll make them win, when they notice that this person has been playing different lately , they'll start to search for another player to hype up, they'll just leave you on the bench like you're their little old Toy that they got bored of" He stops talking and I realize how harshly I'm breathing.

I can't fucking breathe , "focus, Nash" coach says harshly and starts counting down on his fingers "one, two..three , breathe." After I turn to my normal breathing again I pull away from him and put my back to him , a fucking panic attack.

I haven't had any one of those since... "Nash." Coach's voice pulls me away from where my thoughts were directed , thank fuck, "what was the point?" I ask somewhat sounding calm , his brows furrow and I explain "what was the point of that fucking speech coach? Did you want me to cry or what exactly?" I laugh bitterly , "no the point was that you need to get your fans' attention back." He says ignoring my snobby attitude and I'm thankful for that.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" I ask genuinely curious , "you need to distract them with something else until you get back on track or else you'll lose all what you've been building those years , you'll be forgotten." You'll be forgotten...
"How?" I ask trying to tell the coach that I can't  read his goddamn mind
"Get a girlfriend." He says so simply , i pause and stare at him seeing if he's going to laugh or what exactly , "are you kidding me?" I laugh humorlessly
He glares "I don't fucking joke with you spencer and keep in mind I've ignored your shitty attitude today because I know what the hell you're going through but talk to me like that again , you won't like the attitude that I'll give you back." He says then softens his eyes a little , "the only way to get your fans' attention back is to make them busy wanting to know all about your love life and girlfriend until you get back on track , that's the only way you won't lose their attention." He says and starts walking away from me and out of the room, when he's at the door he turns around "get yourself together spencer and find yourself a fucking girlfriend by the end of the week or either you know what will happen." He says , back to using my last name.

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