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I suggest checking tws for this chapter!!💗
I grab my phone from under the pillow struggling to make the effort itself, my whole body feel like it's been walked on by a bus, never mind that, I scroll through my texts and a new one pops up, a smile grows on my face as I open it.
Adrian <3: you awake?
Another one comes.
Adrian <3: you better be.
I carefully type in my reply, me: I'm awake.
Three dots pop up then stop, then pop up again, finally a text comes, Adrian <3: you free?
Me: I literally just woke up.
Adrian <3: so?
Me: is something wrong?
Concern starts itching through me and I stop texting, I search for his contact and just dial him, he picks up almost immediately "nothing is wrong" he says before I even start talking, and I let out a deep breath through my nose, calming myself, okay nothing is wrong, something is still off.

"I still want to see you though." He says worrying the fuck out of me again, "yeah of course, just give me 10 mins or something." I say, "okay." He replies simply, "Adrian are you really okay?" I ask again not believing him, he laughs quietly "of course I'm...I'll be there in 10 mins then, better start getting out of bed." He says then adds "goodbye." He says before immediately closing the call not giving me a chance to talk, the asshole is lying.

I stand up slightly feeling dizzy before I extend a hand on the commode for support, I walk toward the bathroom then a knock on the door startles me, the ten minutes definitely didn't pass, it's not Adrian and Nash is at his training, unless he forgot something, I finish brushing my teeth then go open the door and my eyes widen at the sight infront of me.

"What do you want?" I ask my lips twitching in disgust, "you." He replies with a smirk and my stomach flips, I push the door in his face but he holds it open and steps in before closing it behind him, shock and fear crawls to the surface of my stomach, and my spine goes rigid as he takes another step closer just as I take another backwards, I suck a breath in.

"Fuck off and leave." I speak with calmness I'm not feeling, confidently as if I'm not shaking with fear right now, he pauses and raises a brow "you know you act like you're so brave and that shit but you're just a fucking weak cunt." He says and a disgusting smirk curves his lips again, one moment he's standing infront of me, the other one he's grabbing my bicep in his hand and clasping it, I whine in pain, it hurts it really fucking does.

I push him away with all the force I have but I stumble backwards, the dizzy feeling coming back again, he cocks his head to the side "looks like the drug started working, perfect." He says smiling at me wickedly then roughly grabs my face in his hands, a kiss landing on my mouth as he pulls me to him but I turn my face away feeling like I want to vomit, tears prick my eyes but I force them away.

I forcefully knee him in his balls making him cry out before trying to run outside the room, Whatever the fuck he drugged me with is making this hundred times harder, he catches my leg and pulls me down with him to the cold floor, I kick him with my legs as I try to stand up again "let me go!!" I scream, my sobs filling the silence, "oh I'm imagining what Spencer's expression is gonna be like, when he comes back and finds you here sobbing like the broken little whore you are." He says and my anger gets the better of me I bite down on his hand but my eyes slowly start to close, No no no, i do everything to not let them.

His hands somehow find my pants and he starts tugging them down as a scream erupts from my throat knowing what's coming, a sob tears from my heart "STOP!" I scream as I try to push him, I can't, the memories flash in-front of my eyes, history is just repeating itself again, again, suddenly the door is opened widely and Daniel is grabbed away from me, Adrian's face comes in my view and relief immediately washes over me, I release a breath as he looks at me scanning me from head to toe, his Adam's apple bobbing, and the next second he's punching Daniel until his face became unrecognizable, "I'll fucking kill you." He whispers darkly and for a second I think he'll actually do true to his words, he cries out as another punch lands on his face, I slowly get up regaining my balance then striding towards Adrian , I put a hand on his shoulders and he briefly looks at me then return his back, "he's not worth it, Adrian." I tell him calmly.

When he doesn't move I talk again "please, just-let him go." I tell him not wanting my best friend to get in trouble for a piece of shit like him, he lets go of him but lowers himself so he can be in the same level "if I see you near her ever again, even coincidentally, I promise you that You'll wish I'd have killed your right now." Adrian says again, "and for your knowledge, I never break my promises." He says before lifting him up by the collar and forcefully throwing him outside.

My body slowly starts to shake , more tears streaming down my cheeks as more numbness creeps inside me, Adrian pulls me in his arms, not saying a word because he knows exactly what I need, I just need...silence, some fucking quietness.


"Just eat anything, please." Adrian says desperately again, I shake my head, I still want to throw up, he slowly drops to the mattress, I think an hour passed since he came, I took a shower and he got me some food, Nash still hasn't came from his training and my head is dancing in a thousand thoughts right now, the loudest one is how the hell did the asshole drug me, but another things pops up thankfully distracting me.

"How did you come in?" I ask and his brows furrow "what?" He asks and I think he just didn't hear what I said so I repeat it, he nods "Nash gave Layla a copy and well, she gave me the copy when she left four days ago, but I forgot to give it back to him." He explains running a hand through his hair and I nod slightly.

A smile pulls at the corner of my lips at the mention of her "she's the sweetest person I've ever met." I say and he briefly smiles, "she's." He says before meeting my eyes again, so much comfort in his, I don't even think he realize it "oh, right." I say remembering the reason behind him showing up, doing everything to push away my thoughts from what just happened "what did you want to tell me?" I ask raising a brow playfully, he clears his throat nervously.

"I wanted to talk about the-um the whole thing about your dad Octavia, your brothers are freaking the fuck out." He says and my heart breaks at the mention of the whole thing, I've been trying so hard to just distract myself, he softens his expression and waves a dismissive hand "I'm sorry-it's probably the wrong time to talk about this um...I'm just really-forget it." He stutter and drops his head sighing loudly, I know how hard it's for him to ever talk about what happened or even comfort me about it, because when a similar thing happened to him no one was there for him when he desperately needed someone.

You may think just because he's rich and all that, it means that he had it easy growing up, but Adrian suffered way too much, it turned him into someone he hates, he's only this way pretty much with me, Lana and Layla I guess, we're the only ones who see the real Adrian, the one who suffered all those shitty things, not the one he turned into, but I'm sure he knows that I love him no matter what, it really doesn't matter.

I smile at him, genuinely trying to comfort him, he's always been here for me, I told him everything about my past, things I never said out loud to anyone, I don't even think dad knows, only three people do, Brendan, Chris and Adrian, but the only one I willingly told was Adrian, Chris and Brendan knew just because they suffered the same fate as me.

Some people say soulmates don't exist, some say they do, I honestly believe in soulmates if you ask me, but in my case, not all soulmates have to be lovers, they can be your best friend too, your other half, a person that you don't think life will mean anything without, Adrian is this person, I'll always believe that he is my soulmate, well maybe until the world prove me wrong, spoiler alert: I hope it never does.

This chapter is a little disturbing but I really had to this
A vote would be appreciated 🫶

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