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"What the fuck?" I ask mom, my anger detonates me from the inside out, all I can see is fucking red, "look honey-it's really urgent we need her.." she says and I blow out a rushed breath, Octavia slowly stirs beside me but her eyes stay closed, "no mom the fucking answer is no." I reply again, my anger getting the best of me, "you can't say no, it's already decided." "You're fucking agreeing to this?" I yell "you don't under-" she starts but I stop her "good night." I say before closing the call and storming out of the room, I need air.

But somehow I find myself standing infront of my sister's room, I knock once, then twice and when she doesn't answer the third time I turn around ready to walk away before the door slowly opens and Layla stands there her brows hitting her hairline then she opens her mouth to speak "is everything okay?" She asks smiling her usual sweet sincere smile, seeming weirdly concentrated as if she wasn't just asleep, I take a deep breath "did you check your phone?" I ask softly and her brows furrow.

"Um-no wait come in." She says before opening the door widely for me to come inside , I step slowly taking in her room, it's smaller than ours, one bed with two commodes beside it,a small open kitchen and a bathroom in the front, she goes and picks up her phone scrolling through her texts and I see the exact moment her face falls and crushes into million pieces, she looks up at me tears slowly forming into her huge round eyes, she clears her throat then shakes her head as I pull her in my arms, "it's okay." She says softly although I'm the one who's supposed to be reassuring her but I can't get any words out of my mouth because it feels like I'm failing her.

We stand like that for a minute, fixed in an embrace and for a brief second I wish I could just take her and run away, her arms tighten around me, nails digging in my skin but I let her hurt me because that pain seems like nothing in comparison with the pain of failing her, she'll have to go back to modeling, she'll have to go back to the thing that's slowly destroying her life, destroying her.

She slowly pulls away and rubs her eyes before dropping her hand "I'll pack." She says and my brows furrow in return, "what? Why?" I ask confused, "Mom said she wants me to start again from tomorrow, so I'll probably just take any flight tonight ." She says her tone filled with so many emotions I can't even decide what she's currently feeling.

She opens the dresser and starts throwing away her clothes, shirts scattering across the room, she throws them away angrily in the bag, I've never seen her lose her temper like that, she picks up a perfume of hers,and throws it on the floor, it crushes into hundred pieces just like she does, she falls to the hard floor, her head in her hands, shoulders shaking from the pain she's trying to suppress, I kneel down beside her and pull her in my arms again as she mumbles something that sounds like "I'm not crazy." "I know you're not." I reply simply and she shakes her head before covering her face in my chest, we stay like that for a minute until her tears slow down.


"Where have you been? Are you okay? I called you ALOT! What's wrong?" Octavia freaks out just as Soon as I step inside the room, I hold up a dismissive hand "I'm fine okay, a lot of shit has happened." I say running a hand through my hair, I think she understands when she sees my face because her brows scrunch together and she eyes me suspiciously "what's happened?" She asks taking a step closer.

I blow out a breath before telling her everything, her lips part and her face contours in pain, she clears her throat then looks up at me "where's she now?" She asks softly, "still in her room." I reply and Octavia takes another step forward and I can't contain my surprise when she pulls me in her arms and caresses my back as she mumbles something in my ears but I can't catch what she said, all I can hear is my heart beating loudly in my chest.

Her phone suddenly rings distracting us both, she pulls away and smiles a little then picks up her phone, I can't help but watch her, a knock on the door startles me, I go to open it and I find Adrian standing there, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and his dark hair falling on his face almost covering his dark eyes.

"Come in." I say and he storms inside not waiting for me to finish the sentence, as soon as Octavia sees him, a big genuine smile spreads on her face as he picks her up and pulls her in his arms and my stomach clenches, I can't help the feeling in my core, like I want to rip his hands off her skin, not the time for this, yep noted.

She closes the call and takes a deep breath before talking "something is wrong, since dad left the team here and went home, he's different...they say he's hiding something." She says, concern itching her features, "Brendan have been calling me a lot,Octavia." He says and Octavia's head snaps in his direction "what? Why?" She asks confused as he clears his throat.

"Look I hid it from you but I just can't do this anymore." He says and I swallow the knot in my throat, and so does Octavia "tell me." She says calmly, her voice weighted, he grabs his phone and scrolls through something before finally looking at both of us for a second then flipping his phone infront of us so we can see the picture.

Shock ripples through my body as I stare at the picture then side-glance at Octavia, she gasps and covers her mouth "oh my god." She says quietly, two shirts covered in blood, they seem pretty old too, I don't get a good look at them though because I focus on her, Octavia's eyes tears up and she suppresses a sob, I pull her to me, "that's dad's shirt, he-he wore it- the night he was murdered." She says shocking me, her father was murdered? "What about the other one?" Adrian asks quietly not wanting to make her lose her control.

She shakes her head "I don't know." She says quietly, another knock on the door distract us and I slowly pull away from her just as Adrian helps her sit on the bed, I open the door and see my sister with bloodshot and puffy eyes, she clears her throat "can I come in? If it's not okay I'll just..." she says but I stop her when I open the door widely for her to step in, "I'm leaving tonight okay?" She whispers to me and I nod weakly trying to concentrate on her more than the pain I'm feeling.

"Be safe." I whisper and pant a kiss on her temple she smiles a little but it doesn't reach her eyes, she steps inside and immediately goes to Octavia when she sees her sobbing with her head in her hands, pain shoots through me, it's suffocating to watch her like that, and I know for a fact that I'd do anything to never see her like that again.

I go sit beside her as Layla hugs her and Adrian caresses her back "what's wrong?" My sister asks and Adrian shows her the picture without any explanation, her eyes widen and she looks at me then back at him, she mouthes "what?", Adrian tells her everything in a calm voice which just makes Octavia cry harder, I bring her to my chest and my hands go around her "it's okay, lenochka." I whisper in her ear, "I'm right here with you." I say again, "you'll be okay sweetheart." I go on "Nash." Layla's voice pulls me back to reality, "what?" I ask my brows furrowed when I see Layla's white and pale face, she points at the picture.

"This-this shirt is one of dad's shirts, don't you remember?" She whispers shocked, "it was one of his favorites." She says tears forming in her eyes, NO.

A vote would be appreciated 🤭
Also this chapter is pretty sad 😔

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