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"Hello??" I yell again as I knock on the door for the fifth time , I'm about to knock again when the door finally swings open , and the sight in front of me makes my hand pause midway, Oh my god.

Octavia is in a tight long-sleeved green dress that molds perfectly to her body , showing her curves , and she's wearing her hair in a low bun letting a few curly blonde strands fall across her stunning face , I told her to dress formal because of the restaurant's dress code , but fuck that she looks too beautiful I want to keep her all for myself, okay Jesus I have to keep reminding myself that she's not actually my girlfriend.

She clears her throat and my eyes dart up to hers , her cheeks have redden or maybe that's the makeup I don't even know anymore , I take her hand in mine and raise it up till it reaches my lips then plant a soft kiss , and this time I'm hundred percent sure she actually blushes "gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous." I whisper against her skin , "you look good too." She mutters quietly.


We're finally at the restaurant, this place is so unique and stunning in its own way , i always used to stare at it and focus on every perfect detail here whenever I came , "wow , that's amazing." Octavia mutters beside me as she keeps scanning the place , taking in her surroundings like she's dreaming , she's been staring at one of the paintings for a while so I put my hand around her waist and lower myself so I can whisper in her ear "do you want to go look at it?" I ask her , she sucks in a breath and nods as we walk towards it.

She looks stunned when we're finally in front of the painting , she clears her throat and her lips part a little as she releases a shaky breath , "do you like it?" I ask her a smile spreading on my face , I've never smiled that much before , and I mean real smiles not the fake ones , like the one she shoot her father-my coach when he came in , I'm still in shock tho but we'll talk about that later, right now...

"It's so beautiful." She says quietly , I don't even bother with looking at the painting but I nod still staring at her "so beautiful." I say and she turns her head in my direction her chest rising a little faster , giving me a better view of her perfect tits , nope not going there, "let's go." She motions to our table and I nod.


We've just ordered our food and some drinks , when I feel it , I know that feeling way too fucking much , it's the feeling of being trapped and there's no way out , except this time I'm dragging a beautiful devil with me , and yes devil, I thought about calling her an Angel but I'm sure she'll cringe at the nickname , not to mention her attitude is anything but Angelic , anyway back to the point , I can feel the camera.

Someone is filming us , not that this doesn't happen a lot , filming me and not caring about privacy or shit , this time is different, "hey I want to ask you something." I clear my throat suddenly feeling nervous , yes I swear this woman makes me feel things I've never felt before , don't know if that's good tho.

"Yeah sure." She says giving me a forceful smile , not a real one-or rather a "rare" one , "is it okay if someone filmed us?" I ask and her eyebrows shoot up before she leans closer to whisper , "is someone filming us?" She whispers in my ear and I try to ignore the hear coursing through my body but it's hard.

"I can't see them but my gut tells me so , is that okay?" I ask her concerned because if she's uncomfortable with this , then fuck it we're leaving , she nods "yeah it's fine I promise I just didn't expect it to start from tonight." She gives me a smile-and this time it's real, so I can't help but smile back and release a breath.

Our food arrives and I try to remember what normal people say when they have dates , I can't remember the last time I had one so that's pretty hard , "so , um-what's your favorite hobby?" I ask raising a brow , she laughs , the sound better than anything I've ever heard in my life , hey I'm not overreacting , "what? Am I saying something funny?" I ask raising a playful brow , "you're talking to me like I'm a 3 years old." She says teasingly. "You're acting like you're not." I say and she raises her brows , "okay- so my favorite hobby is reading and don't you dare make fun of it , got it?" She picks up the knife and actually points it towards my face.

"Too bad your pretty face will become disfigured." She says smiling at me , "you think I'm pretty?" I grin at her "oh get over yourself." She rolls her eyes , "so reading huh?" I ask her and she slowly lowers the knife but still eyes me suspiciously , "yeah reading huh." She mocks and rolls her eyes once again , "what? I'm not making fun of you just surprised." I tell her truthfully , "why?" She asks seeming curious.

"You don't seem like the type who reads." I tell her , "yeah right because everyone who reads has to be a nerd." She says shrugging her shoulder and taking a bite of her food, "what type do I seem like?" She asks batting her eyelashes , "the type who'd love to kick me in the balls?" I ask raising a brow and she bursts out laughing before nodding, I made her laugh a couple of times tonight , and I'd continue to do so, this is my favorite hobby now.


After we finished our dinner , she insisted to go eat some ice cream again, but what she didn't know is that I was going to persuade her to try vanilla ice cream because if she was becoming my girlfriend, she should have some good taste.

"Ugh that doesn't even taste like anything." She hisses as the psycho takes another bite , "it tastes so good , you just have a horrible taste." I raise my brow at her , she laughs "okay maybe it tastes good but-but" she holds up a finger as she swallows , "nothing tops chocolate ice cream." She says and I groan , she laughs and let her head fall back.

I take in her look once again ,for the first time noticing her necklace that's shining under the light , I can't make out what's written on it in this position but when she moves again "do you think we're being filmed ?" She asks her brows furrowing together , pulling me out of my thoughts "I don't know hold on." I put my arm around her waist once again pulling her close and I hear her sharp intake of breath.

"Just hold on to me , make us look like a couple sweetheart." I whisper in her ears , my eyes finally making out the name on the necklace , Christopher
What the fuck ? My grip tightens on her waist , who the fuck is Christopher?


Our ride to her home is silent because she looks so tired so I chose not to bother her , I just caress her hands with mine as she rests her head on the window , when we're finally there I kiss her hand once again and watch her go inside and wait till she's gone before I let my expression fall , only one thought has consumed me the whole ride , who the hell is Christopher and why does she have a necklace with his name on it?

Well this chapter is too short but I guess I loved making it end on a cliffhanger.
If you liked it , I'd really appreciate a vote 🫶

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