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Four years later.....
"Nash!" She yells just as I step on the floor, I raise my hands in the air "what, love?" I ask and she groans, "I just cleaned this, you messed it up with your dirty shoes." She pouts and stares at me, her eyes narrowing, as she takes in my look, "why are you dressed up?" She asks raising a brow, "we're going out." I say and a smile spreads on her face, already forgetting about my dirty shoes, I know how much she's been waiting for us to have some time out with people, we barely had any this week, "I'll get dressed." She says excitedly and I smile at her, loving the sight.

Three years ago we decided that we'd finally move in together, cause we were both technically living at the other's house, everyone supported the decision, mainly because they were tired of us, although I don't like the fact that Layla is all alone in the house right now, and lately her boyfriend comes over sometimes, although I don't really like him, but we'll live with it, just because living with him is better than with our fucking useless uncle, but I still visit her almost every day, Octavia joins me sometimes but she's been busy with her work lately.

Back then after everything was good again, Octavia decided that she was going to start a therapy group sessions for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, and I've never been prouder of her, she loves what she's doing, she loves how she's helping other people heal from the same trauma, and there's nothing more beautiful than watching her do it and be happy about that.

As in my career, it's gotten way better, more teams have been calling me to sign lots of contracts for years, but I never really took any decision towards that, I loved where I played, it had lots of memories, and I didn't want to lose them for money, not that I need it anyway, and lastly the most beautiful thing that happened.

I married the love of my life on 21/6 two years ago, the same date we met each other, I'd proposed to her a few days before it and we decided that we don't need to wait so long, and I was thankful for that, cause I couldn't wait any much longer either, and that day she officially became mine, on paper, in front of everyone, she became Octavia Spencer, and I'd never been happier to see my last name written on the paper.

And as Octavia promised me that she'd try and push herself so we can deal with things properly, she did what she said exactly, I don't like making her uncomfortable, but she's been doing way better lately, and as long as we're both trying, as long as we're both willing to sacrifice somethings in our life for each other, everything will be fine, and everything will work out.


When we pull up in the garage, my sister's car is parked in front of us, I'm not even surprised that she's the first one to come, I take Octavia's hand and let her out of the car, she's wearing a black one-sleeved dress, and she looks fucking stunning, I can't even begin to describe how beautiful she is, she has her hair in a bun, and two strands are loose on her forehead, I wore a black suit too, so we can match, I bet all of them are wearing black anyway, it's predictable at this point, and just as we are stepping in the restaurant, I hear a motorcycle roaming in the background and I already know who is here, Adrian.

Am I surprised he came here with a motorcycle? No, it turns out he's been driving one since forever, I was just clueless, he turns off the motorcycle and strides towards us, he's wearing a black suit, ha and his hair is a mess, I'm beginning to believe that he never brushes it, he smiles at Octavia then glares at me, which is absolutely not surprising, I roll my eyes as the three of us walk inside.

Adrian's eyes turns into slits just as he notices the view in front of us, I don't like it either, well it's been obvious that Adrian liked Layla back then, he doesn't deny it when we bring it up, but of course, he doesn't confirm it either, I'm almost hundred percent sure he despises my sister's guts now, well considering the fact that she got with his brother, Damien.

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