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Kunikidas pov

I was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee reading my book of ideals over to see what the plan was for the day.

"Figure out a date and time for wedding. And call my parents. Then make dazai call his parent".

Dazai was in the shower and when I heard the water shut off I head a yell.


I walked over to the door and was ganna open it but it was locked.

"Dazai are you alright"?

"Um yeah. I just wanted to change my bandages but there's none in here. I think I have more in the bedroom can you grab them"?


I went to the bedroom and saw he had some bandages on the bedside table including his phone.

I grabbed the bandages but when I did his phone buzzed meaning someone texted him.

I looked at the message and it was from a allon. I don't know any allons.


Congrats but are you seriously ganna tell them. There probably ganna flip if they find out. Especially after what you did those tears ago.

I didn't know what he was talking about so I just left it be and returned to the bathroom.

"Honey I got them I just need you to unlock the door".

The door opened a little bit and a hand snagged the bandages before I could even look at anything and the door was shut again.

"Thanks" I head and I went to the table again.

I try to respect dazais wishes that I don't look at what's under the bandages but it dose hurt the fact that it seems he doesn't trust me with that secret. I brush it off and return back to my schedule. There's no point thinking about that. Maybe someday he'll show me but only when he's ready.

After a few minutes dazai came out of the bathroom now fully wrapped in bandages and he hugged kunikida around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you love" he whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"No problem dear".

Dazai placed another kiss on my cheek before sitting down across from me and placed his chin in his hands and stared at me like I was a pice of priceless art.

I smiled at him.

"Today we need to decide a time and date for the wedding". I said and dazai nodded.

"Maybe in like 2 or 3 months. I'd like this to happen as soon as possible".

I nodded and wrote it down. "Do you want it to happen in the morning midday or night".

"Probably midday".

I wrote it down.

"What day in the month are you thinking"?

"Stop making me decide everything". Dazai whined. "I'll let you choose that".

I nodded.

"I'd like it to be at the end of the month so maybe the 28th".

Dazai nodded and I wrote it down.

Step one done now step to

"I'm planning on calling my parents and seeing if they want to come over for dinner or lunch some time soon then after you can all yours. Is that ok"?

Dazai tensed up at the mention of his parents but nodded.

I reached out and grabbed his hand that was resting on the table.

"I don't know what happened between you and your family but I'm happy your trying ti reach out to them".

Dazai nodded and squeezed my hand.

"We'll I have recently made contact with one of my older brothers if that makes you happy" Dazai said.

"What's his name"

"Allon. I have him on my phone now I'm surprised you didn't see it or ask about him earlier". Dazai chuckled.

Dazai and I feel comfortable around each other so we would often leave our phones unlocked or on around the other. We have nothing to hide so what's the point.

"I did see a text from a allon earlier but didn't want to question it" I admitted.

Dazai smiled as squeezed my hand.

"You should go call your parents I'm going to clean the dishes"

I nodded and grabbed my phone and left the room.

I'm glad that allon dude isn't a threat. I do trust dazai but I am scared he will find someone more entertaining or more like him and replace me.

I know I'm being stupid with my thoughts but I do hope dazai dosnt regret marrying me.

I peeked into the kitchen one last time before calling to see dazai put his head phones on and was swaying his hips while cleaning the dishes humming along to whatever song he was listening to.

I smiled and closed the door.

I love that man so much.

I don't want to be alone (continuation Of I don't want perfect Where stories live. Discover now