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❗️warning this chapter is angst ❗️

Dazais pov

I woke up around midnight to find I was in bed. All I remember is falling asleep in the car so kunikida must have carried me inside. It's surprising I didn't wake up earlier. But I guess I have been able to sleep better with kunikida then I ever did with Chuuya or by myself.

I smiled as I laid back down and started at my lover. I ran a finger through his long blonde hair that he lets down to sleep. Gosh it's so beautiful when down. He looks almost like an angle when it frames his face and halls down his shoulders. Don't get me wrong I love it when it's up but its my favorite when its down.

I moved closer to kunikida so my chest was against his and my arms wrapped around his waist. I rested my head on his shoulder and I could smell his sent. It was so calming.

I almost fell back asleep until I heard my phone buzz meaning I got a text.

I grounded and moved away from my confert able spot and grabbed my phone from the night stand and taking it off the charger. I guess kunikida emptied my pockets before putting me in bed. I was still in my day clothes but I know kunikida dosnt like changing my clothes without my permission so I was ok with it.

I opened the text that was from Aaron.

"Hey I know it's late but I need to talk to you. It's important. Meet me at the hotel we're staying at soon and don't take a car. I don't want mom or dad to know I say you." 

It said.

I ground again but sat up and responded.


"Why this late but sure. Do you want me to bring kunikida ".


"No it would be safer just you. And I don't want anyone to know we met so please don't tell kunikida until after the meeting".

That was kinda wired but I know Aaron is just being cautious which it sounds like he needs to be.


"Ok I'll be there in a few minutes ".

I sat up from bed and grabbed my trench coat since it's pretty cold tonight. I went to the kitchen and made a note in case I'm not back before kunikida wakes up at 6am sharp.

I put my phone in my pocket and left. It was a long walk but I eventually got to the hotel and texted Aaron.

Me: which room are you?

Aaron: 169

Me: k be there in a second

I took the elevator up to the rooms and quietly looked for Aarons. When I saw the room I debated knocking but decided texted Aaron.

Me: I'm here

Aaron: just come in. Don't knock. The doors unlocked.

I opened the door.

Inside I saw Kasun hugging Aaron and he shook and cried so I ran over.

"Kasun what happened "?

When I saw kasuns face I knew I fell into a trap.

His face was beaten and bloody while Aaron had rope burn marks around his wrist and neck while his eyes were dilated . I had seen this look on him before when I saw him in the dark room. I was around 13 then but I still recognize it.

"Osamu you need to run now it's a trap". Kasun said but his eyes widdened and a second later I felt a big arm wrap around me face and stomach.  I tried to kick and scream but it was no use nothing hit him and my mouth was covered so no noise escaped.

When Kasun stood up to try to fight my father who had ahold of me dawn came up behind him with a cloth and covered his mouth and nose with it .after a few seconds Kasun passed out. Aaron was so out of it staring at what happened and doing nothing but shaking dawn didn't have to put any effort into putting the cloth to  his mouth.

I looked at dawn but he couldn't meet my gaze. He knew what he was doing was wrong but is doing it out of fear. Even so I'm guessing what happed with kasun and Aaron is my parents herd them discussing meeting me and probably punished them then used there planned meeting to trick me.

Father dragged me out of the room and two the stairs that led to the helicopter pad ontop of the hotel.

I was trying to break free from his hold but I'm not strong and I couldn't think of anyway to get out of this. His hold is to strong and he has me so even if I could do damage it wouldn't be enough to breach free.

I saw a hotel worker talking to my mother by the helicopter that they had. The worker moved away when she saw my father and me. She gave me a sorry expression and I knew my mother bought her silence. Even still I glared at her. Why dose money make doing wrong things alright?

Mom got into the helicopter first then ray and dawn. Kasun and Aaron never came and dad dragged me on.

I tried to bite him but his arm was like leather and didn't break skin. I felt dawn strap me into the seat while dad kept his hand over my mouth. The seat was next to ray who stayed silent and didn't look at me.

Dad released my mouth and I was ganna shout at him but the moment I opened my mouth I felt the cloth and everything whent dark. The last thing I remember was my mom grabbing my phone from my pocket and throwing it out the window and rays voice whispered.

"I'm sorry osamu".

My last thought were of kunikida. His smile. His hair his sent. And his warmth.

Please kunikida

Save me.

"Come on shuji. It's time you come home".

I don't want to be alone (continuation Of I don't want perfect Where stories live. Discover now