435 11 28

Kunikida pov

"That's a guy" one of them said.

"Shuji that's a guy" kasun said

"DUDE SHUJIS GAY" the other said laughing.

"Dawn stop" Aaron said smacking him in the head.

Dawn was 6.1 and had the lightest hair out of all the dazais.

"Sorry it's just I knew shujis the family disappointment but he's he didn't have to be gay to".

Osamu seemed to shrink in on himself while I just stood there with everyone staring at me and one person laughing his ass off. Other random people started starting to.

"We'll we have a car you can use to get to the hotel alredy rented so lefts leave". Osamu said pushing past them and grabbed my hand as we quickly left the airport.

Aaron ran after us.

"Osamu I'm sorry". He said and osamu shrugged. "What else should I have expected". He mummbled.

"I'm sorry to I shouldn't have pushed you to invite them and the least I could've done was interfere when there were being mean". I apologized.

"Yea you should have". He scoffed as the others came over.

He showed them the car they could use as Aaron stood by me.

I was shocked. The look dazai had in his eyes I had never seen before. He had such cold eyes with almost no emotion president in them.

I messed up.

Aaron put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about him he'll be ok soon". He whispered to me.

"I just don't know why I couldn't just let dazais family be and let him choose when he's ready".

Aaron shrugged as he joined the rest of his family as they packed into the car and drove to there hotel.

"They said they'll meet us at the restaurant around 1". Dazai said climbing into the passenger seat of our car.

I nodded and climbed in as well starting the engine.

Dazai was quite and seemed to stair off into space but when I tried to grab his hand he pulled away.

I knew he was mad so what should I have expected.

"Osamu I'm really sorry. I didn't know".


I sighed and went back to focussing on the road as dazai pulled his legs to his chest beside me.

When we got home we had a hour before we had to leave for the restaurant.

Dazai took off his shoes and went to the living room to watch tv.

I watched him go but I didn't want him to be mad a me so I fallowed him.

"Baby please talk to me".

Dazai sat down and grabbed the Remote turning on the tv.

"Baby please". I sat next to him and he sighed turning off the tv.

"What kunikida ". 

His word were so cold they sent cill up my spine but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

"I know this is my fault and I do feel bad. I didn't relize they were like that. If you want we can go to lunch and never sleep to them agien. I just want you to be happy".

"That's not the only problem".

Dazai looked at me and I saw his eyes were full of tears.

I don't want to be alone (continuation Of I don't want perfect Where stories live. Discover now