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Kunikida pov

"We're going to the zoo"

We're going to the zoo"

"We're going to the zoo"

I rolled my eyes as dazai was jumping up and down chanting "we're going to the zoo".

"Ok I get it your exited but please calm down". I said grabbing his shoulders fourcing him to stop jumping.

He looked at me like he was a puppy that just got kicked and left out in a cold winter night tears in his eyes as well.

"Fine you can be exited agien ". I roll my eyes and dazai starts jumping and chanting agien.

Gosh I love that cute annoying yet adorable idiot.

I had called the day off of work and spent the night before planning how the zoo trip will go since I want dazai to enjoy it to the fullest and get to see every animal there. I had it all written in my notebook I had packed with a few other things in a bag for me to carry with. I have water snacks bandages just in case and other stuff.

I grabbed the bag and the car keys and dazai and I left.

During the car ride dazai never stopped talking and he was practically bouncing in his seat as I drove.

"Osamu baby I get your exited but please calm down and don't try to give me that look you gave me earlier. It won't work agien".

Dazai pouted in the seat next to me but did calm down.

"Anyway I wanted to ask you. I know are 'wedding ' didn't go well so I wanted to know if you wanted to try again but this time just you and I planning or just drop it entirely till later".

The car was quite for a few minutes and I got nervous. I really do want to marry dazai but because of the problem that happened last time dose he still want to.

After a few minutes dazai spoke up.

"I do want to marry you. I really do. I just don't want my family involved at all. If that means wait until they leave to start planning again then I'd like to do that but I really do want to marry you doppo. But I'd like to wait".

I sighed with relief. "Im glad to hear you do want to marry me and I completely understand. Im not upset and I agree that it might be the best option to wait".

Dazai nodded and the drive was awkward silence. Until I saw the sign saying we were close to the zoo.

And the e excitement starts again.

When we got out of the car I had to hold dazais hand in the parking lot like he was a child to stop him from running and getting hit by a car.

Gosh he's such a child

I love him

We got up to the counter and scanned our pre bought tickets then went inside.

"Ok I'm ganna get my notebook since I have everything mapped out on what to se first and how long to spend there so just wait before run-" I was saying as I pulled my notebook out of my bag only to see osamu wasn't there anymore.


I grabbed my bag and started running threw the entrance of the zoo to the part the animals were in.

'Did he get kidnapped agien. Did he try to die. We're is he'. My mind filled with thought of dazai getting hurt as I searched for him only to find him at the tigers exhibit smiling.

When he saw me he waved with a smile and pointed at it.

"Look kunikida its atsushi".

I wanted to be mad at him. I really did but seeing him so amazed by the creature I couldn't help but smile.

I don't want to be alone (continuation Of I don't want perfect Where stories live. Discover now