Chapter 1

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The sun was rising on south park, everyone was snowed in due to the storm. But there were some people who were still determined to get out of their houses.

Pete was arguing with his mom for not being able to live in a "real house", of course his mom always made the argument that jobs aren't hiring even though there's a job possition waiting just across town at Tweek Bros.

"They don't pay enought!"

"Then how come the tweek family are living perfectly fine while we live in a trashy trailor?"

Back and forth with words until Pete just decided to leave the trailor. He walked around town for a while, until he made it to the cemetary. He sat on one of the benches and started playing a game on his phone. Suddenly, he started hearing footsteps near him. At first he thought it was his mom, trying to convince him to come home, but it actually turned out to be a completely different person. Mike.

"Hey Pete."

"Go away asshole."

Mike stood there for a few seconds not saying anything. But he eventually decided to sit next to pete.

"So... do you wanna talk about something?"

Pete didn't respond. He lit a cigarette to ease his nerves. Though it didn't really help all that much.

"Y'know, you can tell me anything Pete. I can listen."

Mike smiled, trying to make things a little lighter.

"My mom won't get a job."


"She won't get a job because she relies on donations from her parents and family. I keep telling her about how tweek bros. always has a help wanted sign, but she always makes the excuse that they don't pay enough. We're so close to freezing to death because we don't have proper heating in our fucked up 'house'. I hate her so much."

"I'm sorry to hear about that. My mom will let you and your mom stay at our house."

"That's the thing, she always wants to be near me, but i don't want to be near her. She's insane, she's clingy, and she can't stop talking."

"Well, how about only you just stay at my house."

Mike sat up and grabbed Pete's hand, they walked all the way to mike's house, Pete always trying to escape Mike's grip. When they got to Mike's house, Pete went strait to the kitchen and started making himself some coffee. Mike stood by and watched, making sure Pete didn't just up and leave to go somewhere else or do something bad. When Pete sat down at the table, Mike noticed that his face was a bit puffy, he'd been crying.

"Hey dude, you don't have to cry."

"I'm not crying jackass."

Pete was never the type to show his true emotions, he hated his feelings so much that after a while, all he felt was anger and sadness.

Mike took Pete up to his room to chill. It was a tough fight to get him up the stairs. When they walked in, Pete wasn't too surprised when he saw a bunch of hot topic bullshit. Then he saw a futon and went over to it.

"Well, at least you found something you like..."

"Don't talk to me."


Mike sat down on his bed and started thinking, what was something he could do to make Pete feel more comfortable in his house. Finally, he thought of something, he grabbed a notebook and a pen.

"Here, take these."


"Why don't you just spill your emotions on this."

Pete took the book and pen out of Mike's hand and started writing. Now Pete was feeling just a little bit better, but not as much as he wanted.

Mike spent his time reading some Edgar Allan. They didn't talk for a while until Pete said something.

"Why do you care?"


"Why do you care about people, even people you barely know?"

"Well, I just think everyone needs some help in their life."

"That's stupid."

Pete went back to writing, but Mike kept staring at him. There was something he didn't understand about Pete, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

It started getting late and Pete wasn't able to get back home, there was way too much snow to drive through, let alone walk on.

"So, I'm guessing you're going to stay the night here."

"I wish I didn't have to."

"Ok... well, you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the futon."

"I don't wanna sleep on your conformist ass bed. It probably has makeup stains on it anyway."

"Ok, is there another place you want to sleep?"

"I'll sleep on the futon. It looks way cleaner than anywhere else in this stupid room."

Pete lied down while Mike grabbed a blanket. It was a normal black comforter with nothing going on with it. Pete almost immediately fell asleep, while Mike stayed up for a lot longer than he usually does.

While Mike was awake he started thinking, was this better than whatever Pete was living through before? Was it because of his house, his views on life, or was it his mother? The last one seemed the most likely. Mike contemplated all night trying to find a way to make Pete feel better, but it was too difficult. After a while, Mike fell asleep and the night was quiet.

Tomorrow will be another day.

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