Chapter Nine

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Nova sat up on the bar that was placed in the building swinging her legs back and forth as she watched Ace talked to and interior design person she pulled out her phone taking a quick picture of him than smiled at it she loved the way he looked wh...

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Nova sat up on the bar that was placed in the building swinging her legs back and forth as she watched Ace talked to and interior design person she pulled out her phone taking a quick picture of him than smiled at it she loved the way he looked when he was handling business so serious

Ace looked over at Nova who was already looking at him with a small smile on her face he used his hand to motion for her to come over making her hop down from bar and walk over to him he pulled her infront of him making her rest her head back against his chest "What you think"

"I like it I can't wait to see how it comes out" Nova said looking up at him smiling than back around the club "But how are you going to get a license to serve alcohol your still 20?"

"I know people" Ace said making Nova nod which was true even though he was young he was the most respected and feared person in his city and in a couple of other ones everyone admired his hustle at such a young age they couldn't help but respect him so if he wanted alcohol for his club he was gonna get just that and lots of it

"Do you know what your gonna name it yet" Nova asked making Ace shake his head "Nah Ian good wit shit like that— you name it for me"

Nova smiled and quickly tried to think of a name she felt honored because she knew this club was going to be a big success all of his establishments were "Hmmm— How about Spades? You know like Ace of Spades?"

Ace thought about the name and smirked than started pecking her neck repeatedly making her giggle a little bit "I fuck wit that"

Nova laid back on Ace chest as he continued to talk to the interior designs person once they finished Ace held Novas hand as they walked to his all matte black Lambo Truck he opened the door for her making her smile and climb in Nova watched as Ace walked over to the drivers side and get in driving off

"What you wanna eat ?" Ace asked as he put his hand on her thighs rubbing it as he leaned back into his seat "Um can we go to Rae's please?"

"You ass love some damn Rae's" Ace smiled shaking his head making Nova look at him with a big smile it was true she did love Rae's she could eat it everyday because it always gave her a homey feeling

Because they were still on the other part of town it took them about 35 mins to make it to Rae's once Ace pulled up he parked and got out of the car than made his way to Nova's side and opened up the door for her once she got out he gave her a quick kiss than held her hand walking in

"My Nova Bee" Rae said looking up from the table that she was cleaning up making Nova smile and let Ace hand go to go and give her a hug Rae instantly embraced Nova in a warm hug running her hand through her hair that was all out and curly "Girl this hair be growing by the second dont it"

"I know I'm thinking about cutting it" Nova said making Rae smile and nod "I thinking about doing it for my 18th"

"I think you'll look so beautiful Nova" Rae smiled but than it dropped when she seen Ace standing by her counter chatting it up with one of his runners "What you doing with this knucklehead"

Nova turned around and looked at Ace who instantly looked back at her with a smirk on his face making Nova smile and look back at Rae "He's just my friend"

"Mmhm well you be careful with this friend Nova" Rae said sternly making Nova nod "So lemme guess you want your regular"

"Yes please" Nova nodded and smiled Rae wrote it down on her note pad than gave nova a quick peck on her forehead "Lemme go see what your knucklehead ass friend wants"

Nova giggled than sat down at the empty booth that Rae had just cleaned off she pulled out her phone and started to watch YouTube videos until she felt kisses on her neck making her smile and giggle

"Hm" Ace said handing Nova her food and drink than sat back and watched her eat "Where's your food?" Nova asked making Ace shake his head letting her know he didn't get anything "Ian hungry"

Nova shook her head than scooted closer to him pushing her food infront of both of them "You can just share with me than"

Ace smirked than took a bite out of the french fry that she had holding up against his mouth he loved how caring she was he could tell she didn't feel comfortable eating unless he ate to "Thank yo-"

"SO THIS WHAT THE FUCK WE DOIN" they heard someone scream making them look up Ace mentally cursed himself when he saw Alexia storming towards them "THIS THE BUSINESS YOU HAD TO HANDLE"

Nova looked up at the girl with her eyebrows frowned she didn't know who she was or why she was so loud

"Alexia stop all the yelling shit" Ace said taking his Arm from around Nova and standing up making Nova look up at him "Take yo ass home mane you doing to much"

"No we gonna take OUR ass home to OUR house" Alexia said as she looked down at Nova who was looking up at the both of them making her get a ping of jealousy from Novas natural beauty the young girl was overly gorgeous even in the simple outfit she had on "FUCK YOU LOOKING AT BITCH THIS MY NIGGA WITH YO YOUNG HOME WRECKING ASS"

Nova eyes widened at what she said not because she was scared but because Ace had told her that he didn't have a girlfriend Nova grabbed her phone and got out of the booth and began to walk off before her arm was pulled back by Alexia "BIT-" started to say but was cut off by Nova punching her in her face making Alexia stumble back and let go of her

"I don't know you so don't put your hands on me take that shit out on 'your nîgga' not me" Nova said as Alexia looked at her with a shocked expression Nova looked over at ass throwing the phone at him "Stay away from me— Rae can you give me a ride home please"

"Sure baby" Rae said quickly grabbing her keys and telling her niece to watch over the place until she got back as Nova walked out of the restaurant towards Rae's car as Ace ran after her making Alexia start to fuss again "YEAH BITCH BE EXPECTING A ASS WHOPPIN FROM MY LIL SISTER"

"Chile please take yo ass home and clean up" Rae said as she left out of her restaurant seeing Ace try to get Nova from leaving him

"No you lied fuck you" Nova said as she wiped the tears that started to roll down her face once she heard Rae unlocked the door she quickly walked to the car and got in closing and locking the passenger side door making Ace let out a frustrating sigh and walk back into the dinner to grab his shit and leave

"You okay" Rae asked driving off as Nova looked out of the window watching as Ace and Alexia walk out together and get in his car making Nova heart hurt even more

"I will be"

"I will be"

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