Chapter Fourteen

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Armoni walked in his house hearing his three year old son Cam screaming at the top of his lungs crying making him frown his eyebrows he walked upstairs to his room seeing his son stand there in the middle of his room crying making him pick him up

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Armoni walked in his house hearing his three year old son Cam screaming at the top of his lungs crying making him frown his eyebrows he walked upstairs to his room seeing his son stand there in the middle of his room crying making him pick him up

"What's wrong man" Armoni said giving him a kiss on his forehead rubbing as Cam laid his head on his dad's shoulder trying to calm down

"I s-scared da" Cam hiccuped making Armoni frown he didn't like how worked up he was "Mommy leave m-me"

Armoni walked out of Cam room into his bedroom not seeing his baby mother no where he walked down stairs yelling her name but still no answer he pulled his phone out calling her and after the third ring it picked up

"Hello" He heard a male voice making him scrunch his face up pulling the phone from his ear checking to see if he called the right person

"Yo who the fuck is this" Armoni snapped still holding onto cam

"Nah who the fuck is this"

"Mon nigga" Armoni fussed saying the name thar everyone it the street referred to him ass

"O- oh shit man ian know this was you" The man said changing up his whole demeanor

"Fuck all that the fuck you doing answering this phone"

"Look man" the man sighed "Me and Sade been fucking around for a lil min but if I knew she was for you i would've never did that shit"

"She ain't" Armoni said hanging up the phone he looked at his son who was already looking at him with glossy eyes he was pissed but he wasn't gonna show it "Lets get you some food man"

Out of the two brothers Armoni has always been the calm one while Ace the hothead but when Armoni gets mad he becomes a person you've never seen a person you wish you never met

All he wanted to do right now was blow up but he had to keep his composure infront of his son but once Cam was taken care of shit was about to get wicked

Nova sat on Aces bathroom sink swaying  her legs back and forth the two had just gotten out the shower together and he was now adding ointment to her face the fight happened a few days ago and her face was clearing up nicely

Once he finished he put the stuff away than gave her lips a soft kiss and helped her down making her smile she loved how gentle he was with her she has yet to really see the Ace that everyone feared expect that one night at the club but she knew what he did that night wasn't even compared to how crazy he could really get

"Should I cut my hair again or let it keep growing out" Nova asked looking at her hair in the bathroom mirror her hair had grown back pretty fast and was now touching the ends of her earlobes so instead of it being a little curly fro it was like a little bob now

"You look good either way" Ace shrugged making her playfully roll her eyes

"You be no help"

"Fuck up" Ace said send a slap to her as than walked out the bathroom because he heard his doorbell ring he threw on some psd draws and his off white shorts he had already put of deodorant and lotion up

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