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Taehyung POV:

Kook ran tip toed after kissing me, is it believable the person once looked at me like an enemy, is the one who I will cherish forever in my life

Oh how much he changed himself for me, I am so happy he is not hiding from me. My dear life will always welcome my Kookie with open arms loving him with no end

I walked towards the dinning area, almost grandpa and grandma had thier breakfast, now getting ready to leave

"Kookie and Tae, both of you take care of yourself okay, don't overwork and have your meals on Time" grandma said

"Okies grandma" kook giggled cutely

"Kookie, don't trust this brat. If he does anything naughty just kick him there"  grandpa said dramatically

"Grandpa your teaching him wrong things" saying I averted my gaze from him, grandpa was giving death glare already because of earlier phone call talks

"Anyways look after Kookie well"

"I will look him so well Grandpa" i dragged my words looking at my husband

"Ya I can see that" he rolled his eyes

As they bid goodbye, I realized kookie is alone with me, maid also left early
I smirked, closing the door and leaning on it with hands crossed

"Taehyung come have your breakfast, we can go to office I can manage" kook spoke while walking into the house

I dint utter a word, instead I kept looking at that perfect man infront of me. He stopped his steps and turned to see me smirking at him. His panicked expression is too cute to resist

"Don't you dare Taehyung" he warned obviously knowing my intention

"Too late baby" I hissed licking my lips

He started running in tiny, baby was not able to even run fast because of the long night. I was so quick enough to hold him from behind, turning him while lifting him up and swirling around

Kook kept giggling, enjoying being carried. He was feeling himself looking up and laughing cutely

He hit my arms asking to stop, I made him sit on the dinning table. Staring into his eyes. The eyes which shows so much love. Getting lost deep in  those beautiful big doe eyes which keeps mesmerizing me

"Baby we are all alone" I winked

"Hmm hmm, what you want to do" he asked innocently, trust me that was not innocent at all

"Kookie feed me please" I said trailing my hands down his chest landing on his left nipple feeling them through his shirt

"Come closer Taehyung" kook spoke huskily

I went leaning little by little closer to his face, he is gonna kiss me again yes
I closed my eyes waiting to feel those sweet lips against mine


"Koooookieeeeeee" I screamed in fake anger, he freaking put the apple into my mouth and started laughing loudly

"Look at your face Taehyung, oh my God" he continued laughing

I pushed him on the table making him lay down and hovering over him, holding his hands above his head
His laugh stopped in no time..getting panicked, avoiding my eyes

"Look at my face baby, I wonder what made you laugh"

"N-No I wasn't" kook flustered, I chuckled

"Are you not gonna give me what I asked" I asked bitting his cheek a little hard, which left a faint teeth mark

"Arghh" he groaned

"You should have made me eat this Apple" I caressed his cheek on the bite mark and kissed gently

"Y-yeah Tae"

I snuggled into his neck, placing kisses all over, once again my hands traveling to his chest. Why is my hands attracted to his chest like magnet.

"Let me dive in" I asked for his permission, he nodded shyly

I was quick enough to open his shirt buttons revealing his upper body, there was already few marks on them
Aggressively I sucked on his nipple while grabbing the other muscular boobs squeezing it hard

"Um--" kook was controlling his moans

I bite on one boobs and pinched the other one "Scream louder baby, make me know how much you love it when I touch you"

"Hyung, ahhhhh-mmmm" he screamed louder, my dick twitches each time he moans. Shit its not easy to keep my member in my pants when he looks this ravishing hot

Sucking his nipples slowly enjoying every moment, kook was almost about to cum, his pants was already wet

Kook cummed in his pants when I sucked hard on his other nipple. I pulled him into a kiss.

"Yo-you know you can go further" he looked at me assuring

"No lovely, we need you to rest alright" I kissed his forehead

"But look at you, your still hard"

"Aww my baby cares for me" I cooed at him

"Go away, I don't care for you" he pushed me getting down walking away to hall

"You do"

"No I don't"

"You do"

"No I don't" he screamed from hall

"I am eating the apple which you gave me earlier, but I prefer yours more... Where is the knife.....arhhhh shit"

Within seconds kook came running worried and panicked,  I posed showing the knife and apple that I was just acting and the knife dint cut through my hand

He breath out in relief

"You do care kook" I said confidently

"Taehyung you think it's fun, then listen it's no fun"

"Listen kook I " he cut me off saying
"I am going to office" he said and left from there to his room to get ready



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Tae craving for attention 🥺

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