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Third person POV:

"Jungkookie wake up" Tae called out placing the breakfast on the table

Tae dint go easy on his baby last night. The rough night has made kook fast asleep till now. Kook was curled up into Tae's chest when Tae woke up, he is blessed to witness his beloved hugging him every morning. His morning begins kissing his husband's forehead. Which he did, his inner happiness and smile never disappears with kook. As much as he ruined his baby the other night he knows well to care for him. So Tae prepared some medicine and ordered breakfast as well. Standing and adoring his baby boy he once again called him out

"Jungkookieeeee" Kook heard his name being screamed by Tae, he rolled to the other side of bed pulling his duvet over and covering himself going back to sleep

Tae walked and sat on the bed, moving towards kook. He slowly pulled the duvet "Baby it's time already. Wake up" Tae ran his fingers over kook hair, pushing them back caressing slowly

"Mmmhhh Tae..hyung" kook moaned in his sleepy voice

Tae laid hugging his husband, his one hand went under kook nape while the other was wrapped on his waist pulling him closer "wake up" he kissed kook cheek, kook was slowly coming out of sleep.

"Wakie wakie" Tae kissed kook's other cheek on the scar. This made kook to be awake he stared at Tae with his big doe eyes

"Good morning love" Tae kissed the younger forehead

Kook smiled "Good morning husband"
His smile widened making his bunny teeth visible

"What time it is Taehyung"

"Past eleven" Tae responded giving a kiss on kook nose

Kook was shocked, he dint want to be late to office "Sorry Taehyung, will get to office soon now" he immediately pulled out the duvet about to get out of bed. But Taehyung pulled him back to bed, holding him tight and locking his leg onto kook.

"Office is been taken care, now let me take care of you" kook eyes was roaming side to side avoiding eye contact, he blushed remembering how Taehyung kept whining for one more round

Tae pecked kook lips "I am curious on one thing" kook hummed in response

"Why do you call me by full name most of the time" Tae stared at kook eagerly waiting for the answer

"I love it....The name Kim Taehyung holds power....when i call you Taehyung i feel it, i get goosebumps"

"My adorable baby, am so lucky to have you" Tae hovered on kook sitting on top of him, slowly leaning his head to kiss but was interrupted by kook stomach growling sound. Tae smiled backing away.

"Umm i guess am hungry" kook said giving a awkward smile

"Go fresh up, i will arrange the food"

"When grandparents are coming home" kook asked taking a bite of his food

"Tomorrow or day after" Tae responded "kookie i know about the conflict between your parents"

Kook froze for a second, he just kept digging into the plate with the fork.

"I have decided that mom will stay with us" Tae shared his thoughts

"But what if my father hurts you" the pain that arises in kook heart when Tae will be in trouble is beyond any physical pain

"Trust me, i will fix this" Tae held kook hand calming him

"Okay then, when we are leaving from here" kook asked once he was done eating, along with that he took the medicine his husband gave him.

"Evening" Tae responded while clearing the plates putting it at one place, so the house keeping will take care

"Aww what are we gonna do till then" kook was confused, there was no reason to stay here 

"Come here" Tae held the younger's hand taking few steps towards the bed... He quickly grabbed his mobile playing a melodious song and placing it on the near by table

Soon Tae climbed on the bed, pulling kook as well. Kook was in utter shock what's going on. No clue, but it was exciting he knows Tae would create a normal time to a memorable one. So he went in with the flow.

Tae's one hand was holding kook hand and the other slided around kook thin waist, streching their hands a little out. Tae motioned his legs for kook to follow "one, two, three" he eventually moved his legs to the rhythm

Kook was staring deep into Tae eyes,
Following his steps getting lost in their own world. The very tiny jumps on the soft mattress which gave comfort for thier toes, it felt like floating. Kook body,mind was relaxing and calming down. His smile started blooming that made his bunny teeth visible. Tae was drowning into kook giggles. He couldn't resist him.

"How do you look more handsome each day passing"

Tae smiled putting his head down in shyness "you think so"

"Yes" stopping his steps he pulled Tae close placing his both hands under Tae ears his thumb caressing Tae's cheeks. kook leaned in kissing the elder, the slow kiss soon turned out rough. Tae kissed back as their tongue fought for dominance. Kook dint gave up this time. He was also fighting for dominance.

"Aishhh" Tae moved away little, touching his lower lip..."my kookie did you just bite me" Tae asked loving how kook does unexpected move each time

Kook turned around getting embarassed, Tae hugged him from behind landing his chin on younger shoulder sulking

"Bite me if you want to" Tae teased
Kook hit him by his elbow on Tae stomach playfully. "Awww" Tae screamed dramatically falling down

Kook stood there like a statue, biting his nails "quit acting, am going out to get some air" Tae not wasting a second pulled kook onto him. Koo landed on top of Tae

"Why am I making you hard to breathe here" Tae showed his puppy eyes like a very innocent child

Kook giggled "who said, look" he took a deep breath "see i breath well"
But soon his giggles were disappeared, making his breathe hitch as Tae held kook and made him sit on his lap, bring his face dangerously close to kook

"Are you sure baby" Tae smirked, tracing his finger on kook delicate smooth skin, kook closed his eyes falling down for each touch of his husband

Kook encircled his legs around Tae waist, each second thier closeness had being only increasing, kook laid his head on Tae shoulder. Tae pulled the younger cloth a little down to his chest.

Tae's soft lips made wonders on his husband, each kiss on every part of kook nape and shoulder made kook gasping. "Ahh hy-hyung" kook moaned involuntarily moving his ass adjusting the place on Tae's lap. Which caused Tae to get aroused waking up his member

"Your causing problem down there darling, i swear i would not control if this continues" Tae whispered in his sexy tone

Kook was even more turned on by his deep voice, he wantedly rubbed himself on Tae moving again.

Tae travelled his hands grabbing kook ass, squeezing them hard "kookie" Tae breathe out faintly, ohh how he is controlling to keep his divk under his pants

"Do you want me to suck you" kook offered biting his lips

"Y-yes please"



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Love y'all cuties😉

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