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Third person POV:

"Why this is not coming off" kook huffed, impatiently unbuttoning Tae's shirt

"Rip it off" Tae said in husky tone inhaling his husband scent, kissing his neck leaving dark love bites

It was eight at night, both left early at work for some important business at home......as they entered, Tae informed maid to let his grandparents know they are home and had dinner, also will be resting in thier room

The very moment Tae locked the door, kook has glued to him strongly, this man loves Tae to the core, he can't even be apart for a minute and yet act tough but his action speaks otherwise... It's true kook has fallen for Tae hard and deep.

Loving the scent, Tae kept sniffing soft kisses, soon turning it into rough one
He started biting and sucking kook's neck, the smooth skin against his lips kept tempting Tae to suck them hard with his tongue.... after all having a long tongue he can take full advantage of it, getting what he needed

Kook ripped Tae's shirt, his gaze becoming intense with a naughty smirk plastered on his lips, "why am feeling shy under his gaze.... Wait I am the top" Tae mind kept reminding him

'ahh' kook moaned softly, as Tae squeezed his clothed member and walking towards the bed, he sat spreading his manhood with a small smile lingering on his lips

"Come sit on Daddy's lap" Tae ordered

Kook walked seductively, while removing his tie, throwing it on the floor, encircling his hands around Tae's shoulders, kook sat on him pressing his bottom into Tae rock hard dick, wrapping his legs around Tae's waist, settled down comfortably

"Such a good boy hmm" Tae praised while removing kook shirt, kook hugged him tight, making thier bare bodies to touch
The cool air which was hitting both bare chest has turned hot, holding each other's love into thier arms felt like they have conquered the world

"Kook" Tae let out a shaky voice, kissing his shoulder, soon reaching his fine neck nibbling on the already marked skin, kook pushed Tae back, only for Tae to hold him more tight and pulling in for a kiss

Lips were pressed firmly on each other, both started moving thier lips slowly. Soon Tae dived in sucking kook upper and lower lip tasting his favourite meal. thier tongue started clashing fighting for dominance, mixing of saliva, the kissing sounds was not making situation any better, instead it made impatient. Tae gasped pulling out staring at half naked kook, his muscles,his cute pinkish nipples

Tae pushed kook onto the bed, pinning his hands above kook head with his strong hand, while the other hand trailed down kook chest

"It's all mine" Tae licked his lips, eyeing his husband top to bottom

"All yours Daddy" kook moaned buckling up his hip to get in contact with Tae's cock,that made them groan loudly.. the pain under thier pants was waiting to be released

Tae adored the beauty laying under him, he never forgot to shower his love with praises and soft kisses

"Oh my tae-taehyung" kook moaned more like screamed when Tae licked his nipple, making kook go crazy

No wonder,Tae has such a long tongue..kook can feel how much desperate Tae is

Giving few more licks on kook left nipple, Tae started sucking them hard,
His saliva been coated on the pink nipple, looking like a fresh watered bud.... shining brightly like it has come to life

Pulling them with his sharp teeth and gently biting it along with sucking them eventually, giving equal attention for both the breasts, kook was already losing his mind by Tae's assault, his eyes rolled and his head had been arching back and forth...like he is been possessed by some drugs

And the drug is Taehyung

"Umm-ahhhh Tae" kook was left with no choice but just to moan by how his husband pleasures him. Making him reach his high

"Did you just called me Tae" Tae eyes was formed with tears, he loved, like really really loved kook is trusting him and how he is been getting surprised today by him with lots of nick names

Tae lovingly kissed Kook's lips, a short and sweet one and going back and placing a tender kiss on his forehead

"Hyung, make it fast." Kook pant was already wet by now, literally begging to come soon

"The night is still young baby" Tae winked, Kook flushed red thinking how long is Tae gonna do it with him tonight

Tae helped kook to purge his pants and underwear, along with he himself getting rid of his pants. Both staring each other, one was blushing mess under his husband, while the other was the cause of the blushing with his lustful gaze

"You are so pretty my baby" Tae praised again, staring at kook pinkish hole, his dick that was let out after eternity all wet, leaking precum only for his husband

"Am gonna prepare you babe, tell me if your uncomfortable okay" kook nodded in response

Sliding in two fingers, stretching kook hole, with a slow pace. Kook crossed his hip at the foreign sensation, closing his eyes as his head was arching back

Increasing the pace, Tae leaned down licking Kook's abdomen, while his other hand was twirling around one of Kook's nipple

Kook had been melting, craving for his husband to do him hard.. reaching the state of ecstasy

"No condoms, save that for next time. Today go raw on me hyung" kook requested, when he saw Tae reaching out for condoms

"As you say kookie" Saying Tae lined his cock against the wet pinkish hole

"I love you, my dear husband" Tae smiled as he pushed himself into kook

Kook trembled, his eyes was shedding few tears by the pain, he was feeling ripped apart when Tae has entered him completely

Seeing tears rolled at the corner of kook eyes, Tae kissed them softly yet lovingly, adoring the bunny holding his face affectionately

Slowly thrusting in Tae held kook leg,
Staring all over kook body, that was marked perfectly. He smiled satisfied by his art work

"Harder hyungie" kook begged, wanting more. Tae smirked holding his legs for a better access and started to thrust hard and deep

"Fuvk there yeah, hy-hyung" kook buckled up as Tae hit his prostate giving immense pleasure again and again

"I love to be inside you... It's too good" Tae groaned

Kook clenched around Tae's dick hearing Tae's words, Tae leaned again to connect thier lips, slowly kook hand reached Tae's hair, pulling it hard and the other hand on Tae's back, digging his nails each time Tae hitting his prostate

Both come together, reaching down from thier highness. Catching thier breath

"I love you too, my dear husband" kook finally confessed his feelings.
Responding to Tae's earlier confession

Not being afraid anymore, not feeling insecure anymore, all what is needed was to love Tae unconditionally.

Tae heart was pounding hearing it first time from kook, he smiled lovingly at his husband, and kissed his whole face before connecting in for a heated kiss

Which would lead for another round maybe?


A/n ; omg I feel like i lost my Virginia after this chapter 😭
Tell me how was it🥺

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