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Third person POV:

A week later,

"Pass me the knife" kook asked Tae streching out his hand

"Here" Tae handed over the knife, getting back to mix the egg in a bowl

Kook was lost smiling to himself chopping vegetables, The last week was flashing in his mind. All the sweet moments with Tae. Kook kept staring at Tae remembering the time Tae gifted him the ring pendant. He held the pendant that was so beautifully settled on his neck. He blushed touching the word Promise which was engraved on the ring. It's a promise Taehyung has given him. It's a promise meant to be fulfilled. Promise to always be there for his Jungkook

Jungkook mom stayed here, Tae was not allowing his mom to leave. He wants her to be safe. And that kook have seen his mom next to him with no bruises, no worries made his heart at ease. He loves his mom, he loves seeing her be happy. Also Jiya after helping kook she had resumed back to her daily life, having Jiya was like a gem to kook. She is such a sweet soul.
Grandparents had also been returned back to home, grandpa health is getting better day by day.

Kook had been in heaven for the last few days, there was not even a dot of bad vibes. Is this a magic of Taehyung? Yes indeed. He takes care of his Angel.

Kook kept staring at Tae getting lost once again, Tae pushed his hair back that was falling on his eyes turning towards kook. His eyes instantly locked on kook, both kept piercing into each other like it's the first time. Kook was stunned when Tae leaned and kissed him on lips suddenly. He blinked processing for a second but Tae pulled him close deepening the kiss.

"You had one work Taehyung" kook said pushing him back to get the work done. Tae had offered to help kook in the kitchen nonetheless he is still doing the same work from quite some time

"Every work can wait for you kookie" Tae smiled finishing his small task

"Please go" kook hissed grinning to himself, starting to cook

"How about i just wait here, i will not cause any trouble to you" Tae leaned on the counter with his elbows as kook continued cooking

For around twenty minutes Tae kept admiring the younger getting lost in his own world

The intense gaze had made kook fluttered, he bit his lip getting nervous ....his heart rate rapidly increased

"Don't bite your lips" Tae licked his lips Checking on kook

Kook slowly released his lower lip, Tae gulped hard at the sight. His husband is fuvking hot and to resist him even for few minutes is beyond his thoughts

"Koo, I have something to discuss with you" Tae spoke getting hesitated

"Am listening" kook responded almost finishing up cooking

"I was thinking...uhhh thinking if we could become a family"

"We are already a family Taehyung....
What makes you think we are not" kook questioned back turning his full attention towards the elder.

Tae tried avoiding kook gaze, looking around everywhere except kook. He was unsure if Jungkook wanted this or he would add pressure on him

"I- i meant wh-what if we adopt..." His words were cut off by

"Are you serious Taehyung" kook eyes lit up holding millions of stars, the thought of having a baby with Tae felt so right. His now glossy eyes was admiring Taehyung for trusting him

"Am not forcing you, if only you want"

"I really want too" Upon hearing kook, Tae's hesitation disappeared replacing with overwhelming happiness

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