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Jungkook POV:

"No messages nor a call" i pouted murmuring to myself when there was no notification on my phone from Taehyung since he left last night

I fixed my suit getting ready for office
Once again checking the door if he would come anytime. He left in a hurry, also i dint know what was it about.

"Fine" i uttered exhaling a deep breath deciding to call him

"Hello" i spoke impatiently when the call was answered by him

There was no reply coming from the other end, i started Panicking
"Hello Taehyung, can you hear me"

I got startled and dropped my phone when someone whispered hello near my ear, turning around just to find Taehyung grinning at me

I pushed him with lot of force, he had to take few steps back to compose his posture "ohh my kookie why do you have to push me so hard" saying Tae came closer to me, looking into my eyes pretending to be hurt

I glared at him bending down getting my phone, widening my eyes in shock to see my phone was cracked again

"look what you have done to my phone, i already tapped it few days back because it had a crack before. Now one more tape i should add, all because of you" i almost yell at him

He garbbed the phone and pulled me into a tight hug, resting his head on my shoulder

"Sorry Baby, i will buy you a new one" i could tell he is pouting

"Forgive me please" his sweet voice made me to almost forgive him, but i had an idea

"Not so easy Taehyung, you need to do something to get my forgiveness" i said, he frowned his eyebrows

"What's that"

I placed my hands on his chest and blinked like the innocent kid i am, his eyes were following my actions
I returned a warm smile

"i want you to wear that bear dress" yes Taehyung has a bear clothes in his wardrobe...it's been a long time since he wore that grandma told..i was eager and excited to see him wear this bear dress

"What!! No way" he screamed in disapproval

"Please Taehyung" i kept whining holding his hands

"No no no, it's been years i wore that. And now it doesn't suit my personality. I can't be hot wearing it"

"But you will be cute if you wear it" i scrunched my nose

"Stop this kookie"

"Ok fine, tell me where were you yesterday...what was so urgent" i questioned him... ofcourse my mind was wondering where Tae had been
If its about work then he would definitely inform me as well

"I am wearing the bear clothes tonight, anything else you want me to do" Tae said with his fake anger tone..
But it's suspicious, he is hiding things from me...what was he even doing..
Who was that person texted him yesterday

"Also i wanna drink tonight, can we buy some Soju while returning home" i said as he entered the bathroom to take shower

"You have low alcohol tolerance kook" he said as i could hear the water droplets

I went near the door so he could hear me speak "no, i can withstand hyung"

"You were not even able to stand properly at the success party of Mr.Chung"

"I think they gave me some drugs...i have good alcohol tolerance by the way" i said smirking

In few minutes, The door shut open revealing Taehyung in half naked glory, i gulped hard eyeing his upper body dripping water droplets that was making way down his abdomen

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