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Before I know it schools over. I have to get a job. Then go to college, then leave family and friends behind. Robin mentioned that she wants to go to the same college as me, so i won't be completely alone. Dustin is away for camp. Mike and el won't go a minute without each other. Lucas and max are on and off and will, he's has been drawing a lot. Dustin is coming back soon though, so that's  good. I decide to just savor that last few free days i have without a job. I go to the mall and find nancy there and just have a fun time. I visit steve and robin at scoops ahoy, I am happy for the both of them for getting along, finally.  I am on my way out of the mall when I spot the most handsome guy ever. I know exactly who it is. Eddie munson. I never knew he was so good looking. He catches me staring and I quickly look away. I can feel his eyes on me, as well as nancy's. " wow. Eddie munson. never knew you were into his type laura." she says. she must has seen me staring. "I don't like him nancy, I just was seeing who it was. " I say trying to cover it up. She doesn't buy it. She rolls her eyes " come on, bus is leaving." we make our way outside and get into the bus. We go back to nancy's house to hang out for a bit.  We talk about school and the upcoming summer. How we don't want jobs. Nancy brings up jonathan.  Nancy and jonathan have been dating forever now. She left steve for jonathan and ever since steve and nancy have just been friends. Steve and I have became close now. It's getting late to I say goodbye to nancy and leave. Mike is in the kitchen. "bye laura.." mike says hoping for an answer. Mike used to be a good friend of mine when we were younger then we got older, and i met nancy. "Bye mike!" I say waving and smiling while walking out the door backwards. I feel like when I got close to nancy i made mike hate her. I know mike saw me as his best friend. Other than will of course. He soon found dustin and lucas. I found nancy. We went our different ways and now things are awkward, but I put that in the past. I get home and head to bed. "goodnight laura" Mom says. "Goodnight mom" I say. I get to my bed and i can't sleep. Suddenly a bunch of thoughts of the boy, eddie, fill my brain all at once. Finally I go to sleep. I wake up and head to the kitchen. To see joyce, will, and jonathan. Eating eggs and toast, my favorite. "good morning laura" will says smiling at me. "good morning will" I say smiling back. "Did you sleep well" mom asks while looking down at her food then looking back up at me. "yeah" I answer grabbing my plate. We all eat and watch mom leave for work. Work has been hard lately, ever since the mall opened that's where everyone is going. Not her small little shop in town, the big mall with tons of tiny shops inside. She insists I get a job there, "i'd probably get a lot of money for how many people go there a day". It's true, but I just don't want to get a job.  I have plans with steve and robin today. It's their day off, scoops ahoy is closed so they wanted to hang out at the mall today. We agreed to meet at my house around 2:00-ish. I look at the clock. 1:45. oh no, I've gotta get ready. "uh i'm done can someone put away my plate please, i'm sorry." I jump up from the table and run to the bathroom. "Hey where are you going!!" will yells. I hop in the shower and blow dry my hair. I wear my favorite outfit and go out to the living room and sit on the couch. Will is in his bedroom, probably drawing and jonathan, he's just kind of sitting in the kitchen. "where are you going?" he says looking at me with and confusing look. "to the mall with robin and steve, they are going to pick me up so i don't need a ride. " I say looking out the window to see steve's car in the distance. "their here, see you later jonathan." I say waving and walking out the door.  I meet steve and robin outside. I make my way to the car. "sorry your in back." steve says with his car window down. "of course I am" I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "you can be up front next time." steve says. "I better be" I say sarcastically while getting in the car. We get to the mall and I don't know why but I want to see eddie again. Just something inside of me hopes he's here. Then we make it to the food court. We get food. "So hows will" steve asks. Robins face suddenly changes. "do you think something else will happen next??" she says fast with a worried look on her face. "robin, even if anything does happen, we will be fine. " He says reassuring her. I know something else is on its way, I just know it's not over yet. We all go shopping for a little. That's when we spot the kids and dustin!?! "is that dustin??" Steve says. "yes steve, it's dustin." I say as we all walk up to them. "steve!" dustin says "Dustin!" steve says while doing a handshake with the boy. Everyone looks just as confused as I am. "I've been looking for you all over, will said you'd be here with laura."  dustin says looking at me "Hey laura" dustin says smiling "hi dustin" I greet the boy. I then see eddie. Again?? it doesn't seem like him the hang out at the mall. I catch myself staring at him once again. I want to figure out if he just comes here normally or if he's here for some reason. I don't know him at all. All I know is that he's a metal head and the mall doesn't seem like a him thing. "who's that?" steve asks looking at eddie. " I don't know." I cover it up once again. Everyone looks towards eddie. He suddenly looks up and winks at me. I blush and everyone seems to notice. "Are you sure you don't know?" robin  says "seems sure like you do." she finishes. "yeah i'm sure." i say angrily to try and hide the fact i'm blushing. "it's eddie, eddie munson." dustin says looking at me. "he's in hellfire club, actually he runs it. He's a friend of mine." he says looking away. "so is he your new bestfriend now?" steve says looking angry "yes steve, every one i hang out with is my new bestfriend. Come on steve. It's just a friend." dustin says looking annoyed at steve. "guys I have to get going" I say looking at steve. "yeah, uh, i'll drop you off." steve says grabbing his keys out of his pocket.

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