Chapter 1

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Break ups were always bad, they were painful, loaded with hurt and the days that followed after are filled with misery and despair. Being the one who was getting dumped was even worse. It had been two weeks since Yeonjun broke up with Beomgyu and less than a week later, Beomgyu got to know that Yeonjun had started dating his co-worker, Heeseung.

It should not be a surprise really, as towards the end of their relationship, Yeonjun would always make excuses to not meet him, and would spend more time with Heeseung instead. Beomgyu was to be blamed too, he never had time to spend with Yeonjun and they were slowly drifting apart.

The problem with this was that they were best friends along with Soobin and Sunoo before they became a couple and had made a pact to not ruin things among the group in case they ever broke up. They didn't expect to fall apart but things just...happen.

However, Beomgyu was hurt, and he knew he screwed up.

"We aren't as close as we used to be Gyu, and I think even you could see that." Yeonjun had said, looking at him sadly.

Beomgyu knew he should have said something back, should have told Yeonjun that he didn't expect this, and it was hurting him, but he just stared at him, thinking about all the good memories they had and how it was getting all thrown away. Beomgyu then cleared his throat to speak up, committing his first mistake.

"You are right, and I wanted to end things between us for a long time too." He looked away as he remembered the first time they confessed that they loved each other, before catching Yeonjun's gaze again, "It is better we remain just friends."

"So, there is no bad blood between us, right?" Yeonjun asked, a tiny smile on his lips.

Beomgyu nodded his head slowly, "I am not upset at all hyung."

A voice was screaming at him inside his head, telling him that he should have been truthful, but he swallowed it down.

Beomgyu ended up crying the whole week away, the only two people who were allowed to see his face being Soobin and Sunoo. Both of them had made it clear they weren't going to pick sides, but Soobin had always been closer to Beomgyu just like how Sunoo was closer with Yeonjun.

Being friends with your ex was harder than Beomgyu imagined, especially when he would see stories and selfies of Yeonjun with his new boyfriend and felt the jealousy eating at him.

Adding to the misery, Beomgyu also had to put up with his new neighbour who moved in two days back and was extremely annoying. Beomgyu didn't understand why the neighbour had to have not one, but three cats. He loved pets, he himself was the proud owner of a puppy which was back in his parents' home, but these cats were often outside, scratching at his door, or mewling early in the morning and waking him up. Not to mention, there would always be weird noises coming from Taehyun's apartment. Noises that Beomgyu didn't want to decipher.

Their first meeting clearly didn't get off to a good start.

Beomgyu went out to throw the trash, his eyes were all puffy from the crying and he was wearing a oversized t-shirt and shorts. As he opened the door, he almost tripped over the cat that was lying on his mat, and the cat had hissed at him, scratching him.

Which hurt, a lot.

Beomgyu shouted out, holding onto his leg, and inspecting it. Great, he was bleeding. He groaned out in frustration and that was when he saw the door next to him open, a man stepping out, wearing just a bathrobe that was tied in the middle.

"Can you please keep your cats in your apartment?" Beomgyu glared at his new neighbour, and holy shit the man was attractive.

"The last time I checked, my cat was just outside your door, not inside your apartment and you don't own this building so..." The man shrugged, stepping out from the door to let his cat in.

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