Chapter 6

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Beomgyu was feeling the stress get to him. It didn't hit him just how behind he was until he had to go into his office and realised that the people he was up against for the project were almost done with their models while he was still stuck halfway and found himself losing motivation. Beomgyu was not someone who just gave up easily, however this had been a losing battle for him for a long time now, and he felt so lost especially with everything that was going on with him in his personal life too.

He trudged his feet back home, wanting nothing more to just bundle himself up in his bed and sleep but also knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep thanks to the thoughts that kept running over in his mind. The whole breakup and fake relationship weren't making things better either and Beomgyu felt so helpless. He couldn't even tell Soobin what was bothering him without giving away that he was only pretending to be in a relationship.

As he unlocked the door to his flat, he heard the door next to him open, with Taehyun stepping outside, a camera slung around his neck. The sight of the other man made him stop in his tracks, knowing that the last time they had been together, things weren't really favourable. Beomgyu hadn't seen Taehyun after that day in the cat café which was probably three days back.

"Hey..." Beomgyu breathed out uncertainly, wondering what Taehyun was thinking.

"Hi." Taehyun replied politely before locking his door.

"Are you going for work? At this time?" Beomgyu asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah... I don't really have fixed timings. I get booked for events or stuff and I go." Taehyun explained, stepping back.

"Oh...that is good." Beomgyu hummed, opening his door.

"How is your project coming along?" Taehyun asked casually.

"Good...just trying to regain the motivation that I have lost and hopefully it would be fine. Though I really think this time, I am so screwed." Beomgyu said, choking out an embarrassed laugh, feeling like he shared too much.

Taehyun stared at him, looking like he wanted to say something before changing his mind and turning around, heading towards the elevator. Beomgyu sighed as he entered his flat and was going to close the door when Taehyun called out.


"Yeah?" Beomgyu spun around, staring at him inquiringly.

"I have the day off tomorrow, so if you are going to be home...maybe we can go out?" Taehyun asked, his tone hesitant and his eyes wary.

Beomgyu knew that there was no point staying home as he would definitely not be doing anything productive anyways. It was hard when you weren't inspired at all, and Taehyun did seem like a good company to hang out with. He actually found himself having fun at the cat café...until the phone call, but regardless he found himself being curious, wanting to know more of the younger man. He was stunned that Taehyun was even suggesting to go out as he thought that the man hated him after their last outing, and he felt himself feeling surprisingly relieved.

"Sure." Beomgyu answered, a tiny smile on his face.

"Great." Taehyun said, as he pressed the button to the elevator, "I will pick you up at 6pm."

Beomgyu watched as the man disappeared into the elevator before letting out the breath he was holding and closed the door.

The next day was the same routine for Beomgyu, getting up, checking his laptop for any important emails before staring at the plan he had started and sighing in disappointment. Maybe he should just back out instead of entering his office with nothing and embarrassing himself. Before, he had a clear image of what he wanted, but right now that image was fuzzy.

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