Chapter 4

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I am soooooo sorryyyy for the long wait:(

lately things have been not going well for me irl and I was just too numb to do anything, but I am back now and I promise the updates will be more frequent.

Thank you so much for reading this and for leaving comments that motivates me to keep writing! I am sorry this is just a small chapter, but i will try to update as fast as I can to make it up for you all <3

Love you all and please stay healthy and happy <3

The week was coming to an end, which meant that it was time for Beomgyu and Taehyun to put on their act again. They were meeting the group for the first time after Heeseung’s birthday and Beomgyu was a little nervous. He hoped the cake he had baked managed to dissolve any enmities that was between them and they could get through the day like a normal couple. Or as normal a couple could get.

He sent a message to Taehyun the night before, reminding him of their date, and got a smiley face and a thumbs up as a reply.

Soobin on the other hand, had called him multiple times over the week, checking up on him.

“How are you, Gyu?” Soobin enquired.

“Quite good, I have been occupied with my job as usual.” Beomgyu sighed, as he erased and drew more details on the plan he was working on.

Beomgyu was an architect, and he loved his job dearly. However, he knew it was also one of the reasons why Yeonjun left him as he would always be so engrossed in his job, spending the entire day and sometimes even nights at his office, working on new plans. Right now, he was already behind on one of his projects, as he wasted away the days sobbing over Yeonjun.

“I heard from Yeonjun that you did the deed with Taehyun.” Soobin whistled over the receiver, “I didn’t know you guys were serious.”

Beomgyu felt his stomach churn as he realized Yeonjun had spoken about him. “Yeah…” He said, trying to sound as uplifting as he could, “Taehyun just makes me feel things.”

“You know I am so glad you have someone, Gyu.” Soobin said happily, “You deserve to be happy with someone you love and who would love you back the same.”

Beomgyu felt the guilt stirring up in his stomach and he wanted to confess to his best friend that it was all an act and that he was not actually happy but pretending to be. However, he couldn’t let the words out and just hummed in agreement.

“Yes…” Beomgyu agreed, “I think it would have been worse if I were alone.”

“You wouldn’t be alone though Gyu.” Soobin said softly, “I am here for you and if you ever need me, just let me know and I will be right there.”

“Thanks Hyung.” Beomgyu murmured feeling so grateful that he had the other man in his life.

“So, you are coming to the bar, right?” Soobin asked.

“Yes of course.” Beomgyu hummed as he started playing with his pencil.

“With Taehyun?”


“That’s great. See you soon!” Soobin cheered and Beomgyu choked out a laugh as he ended the call.

He felt bad that he was keeping this a secret from Soobin, but he knew the man would disapprove of it and would lead to unnecessary fights that Beomgyu didn’t have the energy for currently.


Yeonjun was lying on Heeseung’s lap, humming in contentment as the other man slowly ran his fingers through his hair.

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