Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (2nd Edition) (Chapter 10)

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It took four days before Aki felt safe and recovered enough to transition back from his little cat form into his human form.

During that time, as a cat, he sought constant company, staying close to the people he trusted. Whether in the mess hall or wandering Voyager's corridors, Aki would eagerly approach and greet anyone he met and many of the crew would stop to pet and fuss over him, or even pick him up for a cuddle.
Knowing that Aki had been traumatized by the attack, they offered compassion and reassurance, hoping it would make him feel safe enough to transform back into the beloved cat-boy they all missed.

On the fourth day, Aki finally emerged from his quarters in humanoid form.

The first person he encountered was Tom, who was heading for the bridge in the same corridor.
Spotting Aki, Tom called out and hurried over to him, pulling him into an urgent hug.
"Oh, thank goodness! We've been so worried about you!" Tom exclaimed, embracing him warmly, clearly relieved. "Welcome back, Aki. I'm so glad to see you back with us."

Aki was surprised but moved by Tom's very affectionate gesture, and he keenly returned the heartfelt hug, feeling bolstered by the sense of family and being genuinely loved and cared for.

Tom then gripped Aki's shoulders at arm's length, looking sincerely into those big azure-blue eyes.
"I'm sorry you got so frightened during the attack. It must have been terrifying for you if it made you change back into your cat form. We all realised it was a big deal for you, and that's why we've been so worried. How do you feel now? Are you okay?"

Aki nodded. "Thanks, Tom. I think I'm okay," he replied quietly.

"I have to do my shift on the bridge now, but I'm free later if you want to hang out? We could get Harry to join us and maybe do something fun in the holodeck?"

Aki nodded again. "Okay," his reply was still quiet and muted.

Tom noticed the unusual despondency in his voice. "You sure you're alright? You seem a little down."

Aki looked up at him. "Are we going to be attacked again, Tom?"

The pilot could instantly see the fear in his eyes, "Is that what's bothering you?" He asked, sounding surprised.

Aki nodded hesitantly. "Maybe, a little."

Tom felt a heart-wrenching sadness explode in his chest as he saw the raw fear and concern in Aki's innocent eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled Aki into another firm hug.
"Listen, Aki, you don't need to worry about things like that, okay? What happened was rare, and we came out of it just fine, like we always do. Voyager is a tough ship with a very capable crew. You let us Starfleet personnel worry about those things, okay? We've always got your back and we'll protect you. You just need to concentrate on getting your strength back. I understand it takes a lot out of you to change your form."

Aki nodded, looking more relieved. Tom's eager embrace was providing him with an immense sense of comfort and relief, and he warmly returned the hug, not wanting to let go. "Thanks, Tom. That really makes me feel better. I'm glad I ran into you."

Eventually, they broke apart. Tom held the cat-boy's shoulders at arm's length once again and then reached up, affectionately ruffling Aki's hair between his big cat ears. Just like a regular cat, Aki closed his eyes and pushed his head into Tom's hand, clearly enjoying the gesture. Tom chuckled softly, feeling a deep sense of warmth and protectiveness towards the boy.
"I know it's easy to feel nervous after what happened," Tom said gently, "but remember you're not alone here on Voyager, Aki. We're all here with you, and we'll make sure you're always safe, okay?"


Over the following weeks, Aki gradually settled back into a gentle cadence. His worries diminishing with wise nurturing from Janeway and the crew after Tom had brought it to their attention.
They ensured he became more informed regarding life aboard Voyager, providing him with knowledge and tools to cope with any future issues or emergencies.

Many of the crew took a special interest in helping Aki acclimate, organizing sessions to teach him about Voyager's systems and protocols. These sessions were both educational and comforting, helping Aki feel more integrated and capable.

As days turned into weeks, Aki's bond with the crew deepened. He found solace in their support and slowly but surely, the memories of the attack began to fade. His transformation back into human form became less about fear and more about embracing his dual nature, finding strength in his unique abilities and the family he had found aboard Voyager.

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