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"Fuck stop ringing!!" Yoongi yelled slaming the alarm clock off, groaning in pain from headache, he curse, laying flatly on his bed looking at the ceiling problematicaly.

Sigh "i'm back being broken again. This is all your fault kim fucking taehyung. I dont think i can survive this torture again every day" yoongi said being piss at himself, yoongi snap from his thoughts when his phone buzz, picking it up then he look at the caller id, sighing deeply then answered.
"What?" Yoongi raspyly ask knowing taehyung wanted something from him again.
"Hyung can you come in mine and kooks date later at 3? My manager said i can't have my bodyguards with me for now cause it's their day off and kook never bring a body guards when he go out and my manager says i have kookie to protect me blah blah whatever, anyways, that's why im asking you to come with me because what if paparazzi follow me? Right? So please hyung" taehyung hopefully said obviously pouting and yoongi's thankful 'cause tae ask this on phone call and not in person 'cause he sure as hell he would give in because of that pouty lips of none other than taehyung, yoongi chuckled sarcastically before answering.

"No, i can't" yoongi softly said, despite the fact that he was screaming inside like "why would i agree to be their fuckin' bodyguard? That's bullshit. If only you know about my feelings tae. You're breaking me without knowing."

"Please hyu-" yoongi cut his friend off by hanging up the call, no fucking way on earth he's gonna watch them being lovey dovey to each other, no, that's the last thing he would do in his damn shitty life.
"Fuck you tae, breaking me day by day huh, sure thing. I just recovered last month for fucks sake, tae." yoongi said frustrated, he walk towards his bathroom to wash himself.

After showering he pick an outfit for the day, he pick a black hoodie and a black skinny jeans with a black cap and a black face mask to hide his identity.

Going out is the only thing yoongi do when he wants to clear his mind, he go to the park he always goes when he needed some time to relax, the place is relaxing yet people barely go there, except yoongi, the view was very mesmerizing, its beautiful, pretty even, with a fresh cold air that will relax you.

After being in the park for hours he was now walking on the sidewalk feeling a lil better, its snowing and yoongi loves snow cause only few people really go out when the weather is snowing and cold, and yoongi hates people, but yoongi think it's relaxing playing with snow and snow flakes, he open his House gate locking it after walking in then he plop down on the snow, he make snow balls and throw it on the wall doing it again and again, he write his name in the snow then destroying it after, he layed down on the snow sighing, he doesn't care if he gets cold, no one cares for him anyways, he just layed their for half an hour then he got up cleaning his clothes from the snow before he unlock his home door then he go inside his home walking immediately to his bedroom to sleep after kicking his shoe's off from his feet, playing post malone playlist before laying on his bed drowning out almost immediately.

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