Chapter 1|Part II|

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Aamir opened his arms and holded me to a tight hug. "I will miss you" I let him know as my hands are getting off his body. I gave him a kiss in the cheek and left without saying an actual goodbye.

I took a look back as the main door closed behind me. "Ready?" The dark haired woman asked and stopped my daydreaming. I said nothing and just nodded to her a yes. I placed my bag in the helicopter and then I sat inside as well.

Sage's Pov

"Phoenix" I yelled trying to find him "Phoenix" I repeated and he finally walked in with Jett.

"Yes Sage?" He stayed still in front of me

"Prepare a room" I ordered

"Why should I do that?" He asked and I gave him a look. "Omen can do it, look he just knits" he said and pointed omen behind him sitting peacefully.

"Let's just prepare the room" Jett saved me and grabbed his hand. Right after they closed the door omen left his supplies.

"Who's coming?" Omen's deep voice broke my silence.

"Its an Arabian agent from the Bind HQ"


"Shadow. Its shadow" I answered and he giggled

"She must be interesting"

I explained to him her backstory and he seemed pretty interested to it. They both have some similarities to be honest. They both lost everything. Even though Elise kept her body.

Suddenly my phone rang. I took a look to Omen "It is them" I said as I stood up and headed to Brimstone's office to meet her. I opened slowly the door and my eyes cought an woman's figure. Her skin is dark and has some battle scars. Her hair long and curly. She has a tattoo in the side of her neck.

She turned around and faced me. Her hand grabbed mine "Nice to meet you" she said nervously.

I smiled and greeted her as well. "You must be Elise" I said and she nodded.

"May we sit?" Brimstone offered and opened his arms pointing the chairs in front of his desk. The he grabbed some papers and handed them to Elise.

Her face seemed shocked. I know exactly what those papers are. I remember when I saw these photos I had the same expression. They are showing the aftermath of Omega's Kingdom industries. They did everything to steal our radianite.

Suddenly she handed the photos back to Brimstone and her face turned angry. "Why am I here?" She wanted to know.

"We need the radianite back" he drunk his whiskey "I need you to get in and grab information about the place where the boxes of radianite are"

"So you ask me to break in"


"That's it?" She asked and she stood up heading to outside.

"You are going solo"

"I always play solo" she let's him know as she closes the door behind her.

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