♤(Tgb Part 4) Nows here's the action!!...Good and bad♡

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♤Dedicated to Gigi-chan, Neko-chan2, Ugly_LieTruthLight, andThatKidInPurple!!!!!!! I just wanna thank you all so much for liking my story!! It really means a ton to meeeeeeeeeee!!^-^ I wish that I could personally thank all of you!!

Warning: sexy scene!! ♡♡♡♡

(Alois P.O.V.♡ Because my little Alois didn't really get an actual pov last chapter... -_-)
So after the diner we decided that we might want to go on a date, and boy did they agree... especially Sakura...
So after some serious debating, we finally decided after a little convincing that I could pick something to do for the first date,, which gave me an amazing idea!
Why not have a picnic?! Then I could go out to find the perfect spot to have the picnic the day before our date, and lead him to the spot, then surprise him the most amazing perfect spot I found for the picnic date!
So when Ciel was busy taking a nap, I snuck out to go search for the perfect spot.
I put on my regular booty shorts, I green T-shirt, and my big purple hoodie, and quickly ran out the door, closing it quietly.
The thing was, it was already starting to snow, so finding the best place was going to be hard, and I searched so long that I eventually had to leave school grounds.
I had this kind of vision of what I wanted it to be like, so I decided to go and head to a small wooded area by the school, because in all honesty, it was my best bet.
I lot of the trees there, where evergreens, so their leaves never changes color, and they didn't lose their leaves, and the trees there that did change color and stuff had yet to lose to many leaves since it was just the biggening of December.
I walk through the woods for what seemed like forever, but I wasn't going to give up till I found the perfect spot for our date!
So finally, right when I got to the last little part of the forest, and there it was, the perfect spot!
Right at the end of the forest area, there was I small clearing that showed over the edge of a large drop off, showing the sun set, and it had trees all the way around until the drop off.
It seemed like the perfect place, and trees surrounding it looked like the perfect combination of evergreen and regular autumn trees, but it just seemed like it was missing one little thing....hmm...oh I've got it!
It's missing the one thing that not there during winter...flowers.
The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, and there were just no flowers or even color anywhere! Besides the tree leaves of course.
So I think I have best idea ever! This is going to be hard to pull off...I just hope I manage to get some sleep tonight...
{♤Time Skip♡ hehe, sorry guys, you'll get to hear Alois' plan, and the aftermath of it soon!!}
When I finally got home, Ciel was sitting at end of the bed with a worried look on his face, and when he saw me, he nearly tackled me to the ground.
"Alois, where were you?! You had me worried sick" He yelled, hugging me closer.
"I'm sorry Ciel," I said, hugging him back, "I didn't mean to worry you, I just had to go... take care of things at with a teacher, and you were taking a nap, so I didn't want to wake you." I whispered soothingly into his ear.
"W-why did you have to go talk to a teach?" He asked, letting go of me to look at my face.
"Um...well, guess what?!" I said excitedly, causing him to look at my questioningly, "Well, apparently my grades are much better then last year!"
"What?" He asked, confused, "you went here last year?!"
"Hehe, yeah, I was super bored so I went to school, then this year, the queen ordered me to!"
"Oh, so that's why you hardly came over to visit me last fall! Come to think about it, you only visited me some times during December, March, and November!" He said, with wide eyes.
"Mmhm, and a few other random days! Anyway, let's go to bed now, ok?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah, ok!" He smiled back.
Giggling, I picked him up bridal style and carried him over to the bed cause him to start giggling a little bit to, before he started blushing, "A-Alois! Geez, put me down!" He said, wiggling around just a bit.
"Pfft, ok!" I said, as I dropped him on his bed, and dropping down beside him as we other just layer there laughing.
Sure, we were laughing I little more then neccisary, but we were happy, and happiness was still a bit of a new thing for us, and we really enjoyed it, especially when we were together...
We were so happy with each other...it was pretty obvious, I mean, I did make Ciel feel again...I didn't think anything could...and Ciel has has help me realize that someone does care...
I wrapped me arms around Ciel waist, pulling him close as he snuggled into my chest, "I love you Ciel..." I whispered, kissing the top of his head.
"I love you too Alois..." He whispered back, looking up and giving me a peck on th lups and wrapping his arms around my back.
I really mean it love... I pulled him closer and drifted into my own dreams... dress about what was to come in me and Ciel future... and I have to admit that I liked what I saw...
♤The Next Morning♡
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!" I heard someone yelling, then I felt someone whack me in the face with a pillow, and I shot up out of bed to see pure chaos...and Ciel's adorable 'just woke up face' and bed head.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled, looking all around the room to see Sora, Masaki, Sakura, and Akira running around the room yelling, and Sakura was digging around our closet, until they noticed that we were awake and finally stopped.
"WELL YOU IDIOTS HAVE TO WAKE UP!!! IT'S ELEVEN O' CLOCK AND YOU NEED TO GET YOUR ASS'S UP AND READY FOR YOU DATE!!" Akira yelled, earning nods of agreement from everyone.
Then suddenly Sakura did a a cartwheel over to us and held up peace signs, "YEAH AND YOU GUYS SHOULD WEAR YOUR REGULAR CLOTHES BECAUSE 1: IT'S A PICNIC, AND 2: WEARING FANCY CLOTHES WONT IMPRESS IF YOU'VE KNOWN YOUR DATE FOR MORE THEN A YEAR!! Maybe formal-ish clothes, like skinny jeans and a button up, but never fancy!"
"Now, you go put this on!" Sora said, shoving a pair of booty shorts, a T-shirt that had a bunch of anime characters on it, and a purple hoody and my tall knee high boots to Ciel, and Masaki shoved a pair of skinny jeans, a blue T-shirt that said 'Annoy Me At Your Own Risk' on it, and a blue hoody into my face...
What the fuck?!
"What the fuck?!" Ciel and I said together.
"Well," Sora started, "Sakura said that she was going to make you switch clothes, and I think that we all know that it's better to just for with the flow..."
"Oh yay!! I might not get to wear my booty shorts, but this is gonna be cool to!"
Ciel thought differently though apparently...
"But I don't want to wear booty shorts! Plus it's gonna be so cooooold..." He whined, pouting cutely.
"TOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAD!!!" Sakura roared, causing us all to jump a little before we quickly made a move to push them all out of the room so we could get ready.
"Sir yes sir Ms.Sakura!!" I yelled nevrvously, slamming the door in their faces and got to work on changing into Ciel's clothes, as well as Ciel changing into my clothes.... I may or may not have stared at his ass a little...
After we were done changing, we went to look in a mirror at how we looked, and damn... I might have looked goddess but Ciel! Man Ciel looked so cute that I nearly tackled him to the floor right then and there!
Apparently the anime buddies had managed to find some of my old clothes and things that didn't fit me any more, so the boots came up perfectly on his slender legs, and the booty shorts showed off his ass perfectly, yet the shirt and hoodie were still new and more my size, causing them to hang down a little itt lower on his body then they should increasing his adorableness by a thousand!
{You guys can thank my friend Jessy, or Cessy_Joker for the idea of them switching clothes for a chapter!! ^-^♡}
After Ciel noticed that I had been staring at him for the past two minutes, a light blush dusted his cheeks, and looked down, "W-what? I look weird don't I?" He pouted sadly.
"No, if anything your sexy." I whispered in his ear, hugging him from behind, and he blushed even darker.
"N-no way..." he said shyly, messing with the him of his shirt.
So cute!
"Yes way! Now come on, I have a super special surprise for you!" I said excitedly, taking his hand and dragging him out the room... or at least I tried to.
When I open the door, all of our anime buddies come tumbling through the door way, nearly knocking Cielo and I over.
Ciel shook his head, and I just cracked a small smile.
"Have a nice time ease dropping?" I asked, to which Sakura stood up revealing a small nosebleed.
"Yes, yes we certainly did!" She said, wiping her nose with the back if her hand, looking at the blood like it was nothing, "Oh, just a regular yaoi fangirl nosebleed!" She shrugged her shoulder before pushing all the others who had just gotten off the ground out of the room, and to...well I don't know, wherever a Sakura goes...
We just kind of stared for a second before I finally broke the silence, "Well ok! I think it's about time that we're used to this behavior correct?" I asked Ciel, dragging him out the door successfully this time.
"I've been used to for a long time, considering I've known you so long, and I know that your very used to it as well for the fact that you act with the same amount of crazy and stupid just as Sakura and Akira do." Ciel said matter a factly, and we both let a small chuckle slip at that.
After that we chatted the whole way out of the dorm area and out of school grounds, eventually reaching the wooded area.
"Wait," Ciel stopped me, "why are we going into the woods?"
"Don't worry about it!! It's a super special surprise!" I said, suddenly more excited again, pulling Ciel along behind me as I broke out into a sprint.
We run through the woods like that, with Ciel complaining for me to slow down until I recognize that we were close to the clearing.
I stopped, jumping up and down with excitement, completely confusing Ciel.
"What's with-!" I cut him off before he could even finish asking the question, putting me hands over his one eye.
"Don't worry about it Ciel! Just wait a bit longer ok! We're almost there, so close your eye!"
Though I said that, I still kept my hand over his eye, just in case he tried to sneak a peak.
It was only about a minute later going completely straight till we finally got to the clearing, and uncovered his eye.
Ciel just stood there for a moment in awe before he finally spoke up, turning around and jumping into my arms like a little kid.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and snuggled into my chest cutely, and I just couldn't believe how cute he was being, "Thank you sooooooooooooo much Alois! Thank you so much! I can't believe that you pulled something like this off! I mean, how did you do it?! Thank you so much Alois..." He said before looking up at me, and I swear that in that moment, I saw nothing but hope, love, and happiness in his eyes...and I knew I had done something that nobody else had succeeded in doing in the almost three years....I had made Ciel Phantomhive happy.
After finding the clearing last night I had ran to town as quickly as I could so I could see if there were any flower shops in town that were still open. Luckily I had found one fairly quickly enough, and I bought as many white roses and bluebells as I could since they were both of our favorite flowers, as well as going to a small grocery store and buying small things like some sandwiches, soda, earl grey tea, chips, candy, and more candy, and two slices of chocolate cake since Ciel loves sweets so much! Oh, and of course I bought a picnic basket and a ton of soft blankets... Anyway, after that I packed the picnic basket and headed back to the clearing with the flowers and picnic basket.
After that, I spent forever arranging all the flower in the perfect way. I put them in patterns and designs, and finally, I used the last but of flowers if a circle in the middle of the clearing where Ciel and I would sit, and set a bunch of blankets of the middle of the circle so we wouldn't have to sit in the snow, and finally put the basket on top of the blankets!
Finally I went back to the dorms and found the adorable worried Ciel and went to bed! End of my amazing plan! I am genius no?! {No indeed, for I am the genius!! ^-^♡I mean, I wrote it after all!}
So after I explained all of that to Ciel, I finally took Ciel's hand and led him over to the blankets, picked up the picnic basket and set it to the side, and we set down together.
"I can't believe that you went through all of the just for me...it's amazing! It's beautiful, unbelievable, and I know that you must have put so much work into it! Thank you so much Alois..." Ciel said softly, after we had settled down on the blankets. He looked so happy that he just didn't know what to do, which means I must have done something right!
"Hey, I would do anything for you Ciel! Your the one who looked past all of my flaws and loved me when no one else would...I love you..."
Ciel's eyes widened at my statment, and he gasped, "A-Alois...really?! I-I love you too Alois..." Ciel said, blushing and looked down.
Scooted over to him and lifted his chin forcing him to look at me, and kissed him sweetly.
He wrapped his arms around me, kissing back before we finally separated.
"We should really check out what's in the basket now huh? You'll love me even more then!" I said, winking at him as I grabbed the basket and started pulling out all the yummy snacks I had packed for us. Once I had pulled the cake and candy from the basket, I heard Ciel gasp and I saw his eyes sparkle by the time he saw just how much sweet stuff I had brought for us.
"Holy. Crapes. I do love you more noooooow!!" He said more happy then I had ever seen him before, "You got so much sweet stuff!"
"Pfft, well duh!" I said, rolling my eyes playfully, "I know how much you love sweet stuff, so I came prepared!" I exclaimed happily.
"This is so perfect Alois!!" Ciel exclaimed smiling brightly. He looked like the little child he should be!
"Well it better be!" I said, hugging him tightly, "I spent fucking hours working on this!"
After that, we spend hours laughing, cuddling, kissing, and eating, and it was perfect!
We had the best time ever, and I'm sure that when I say that I couldn't have possibly asked for a better first date, I'm speaking for both Ciel and me!
After a eating our hearts out and chatting our tongues off, we finally ended up accidentally thing a small nap there....and damn when we woke up we were cold!! But I'm sure that we would have been much colder with out having each other to cuddle up with though, so it's fine! And there's that sappy cliché!
So after nearly freezing into Popsicles,we finally packed up all of our stuff and gave the clearing one last look before heading back off to the dorms, but of course, before we left Ciel made me promise that we had to come back soon to have another picnic.
So on the way back to the dorms, we both kinda had to cuddle up real close so we could thaw off! Ciel was a little upset for the fact that he was freezing his ass off to in my boody shorts though, but all I had to do was give him some extra candy that I had in my pocket to make him happy again. I had snuck some in my pocket during the date because I figured something like this would happen.
As soon as we walked into the dorm building we saw all the anime buddies stumbling over each other nervously, so they obviously did something while we were gone... let's just hope it's not something that will make Ciel to upset after he's been in such a good mood.
The second we got back into our room, I instantly pushed Ciel up against the wall, kissing him passionately. I've been waiting to touch him in some way all day. He looks so cute in my oversized hoodie going just below his waist, and his ass looks so great in my booty shorts, how could I not want to mess with my adorable little boyfriend?! With everything that's been going on recently that I haven't really got to do anything with him.
I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance and he happily opened his mouth allowing me to slip my tongue in.
I slowly glided my tongue around his mouth exploring every inch of it before Ciel rubbed his tongue against mine. We battled for dominance as our tongues danced together and I quickly won. I suckered on Ciel's tongue earing a moan from him as he wrapped his arms around my neck, bringing me closer trying to deepen the kiss.
"Mmmmh...ah!" Ciel moans grew louder as I lowered my head down kissing and sucking his neck, nipping until I found the spot that made him moan the loudest and he leaned his head back, giving me better access. I slightly sunk my teeth into the flesh of his neck, sucking and licking, causing him to cry out loudly, and making sure it was clear that he belonged to me.
"Hah, nice hickey!!" I chuckled teasingly causing him to blush.
"Alois!" He whined blushing harder, "Somebody's gonna notice that!! Someone might walk in on us right now!"
Aw, how cute! He was worried about being caught.
"That's fine" I said, "let's just have some fun. If anyone comes in they can watch." I whispered sensually into his ear, nibbling his it, causing his breath to hitch and a shiver to shoot up his spine.
He turned an unbelievable shade of red and pulls slightly closer to me, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
I pressed up against him, our bodies rubbing together in sweet lustful friction. I slid my hands up his shirt giving him a seductive look. I felt up his curved, girly, figure and finally got to his nipples. I slightly brushing my thump against his right nipple, causing his breath to hitch at the contact.
I ducked my head down taking his right nipple into my mouth, sucking, licking, and nibbling causing him to arch into my touch, as I tweaked his left nipple, not wanting to neglect it. Once I thought neccisary 0, I then switched nipples, taking the left one into my mouth.
"Nngh, A-alois! ...hah, ah... s-stop!" He begged and moaned softly.
"Come on Ciel, you don't really want me to stop do you? Because I'll stop if you do!" I exclaimed, worried that I was making him uncomfortable.
He shook his head furiously, "N-no... please continue!" He replied rather breathlessly, still panting slightly.
I just noticed how lewd Ciel looked them, his eyes half lidded in plessure, cheeks a light pink contrasting his ivory skin, mouth slightly hanging open and he panted and attempted to calm down.
"It just..... feels really good..." Ciel said slightly embarrassed in between pants, his cheeks heating up.
I smirked. This was just the beginning.
"I can make you feel even better Ciel. We can do a lot of different and more pleasurable things." I said to him, grabbing both his legs and wrapping them around my waist, gripping his ass tightly so he wouldn't fall.
"O-oh god Alois..." He moaned out driving me crazy, as we both got pleasure simply from the heat and sexual desire building in the room and making us just as hot and bothered as our lustful needs grew.
"Mmh, your so sexy" I told him as I quickly slipped off his and my shirts.
I returned my lips to his mouth, basically eating his face off right as he let out small moans and whimpers while I slowly massaged his ass, rubbing and squeezing it. I reached down to Ciel's slight bulge and palmed it through his pants, both of our hunger for each other growing, I thrust forward rubbing our clothed semi hard cocks together, causing Ciel to cry out louder then before he started bucking his hips up to meet mine.
"A-alois, nnngh!" He moaned, clinging onto my back.
Sometimes I forget that Ciel has never had sex before, nor any sexual experience exept a few make outs with me, but we've never gone this far!!
We kept grinding our hips together, causing me and especially my inexperienced lover, immense pleasure. I could hardly control myself right now, he's just so sexy, sensitive, seductive, and adorable all at the same time without even trying!!
I quickly swooped him up and plopped us both down on the bed. I looked down at Ciel's pleasured face. He was panting for air, he is cheeks still dusted pink, eyes half lidded and the front of his hand pressed up against his cheek.
I slid my hand back down his body and to the waistband of his booty shorts. I looked down at Ciel as if I was asking permission in which he just nodded, still looking rather lewd... he was so damn hot!!
I pulled down his booty shorts and leaving him in only his boxers. He turned red and moaned as I slid my hand down to his bulge and rubbed him through his boxers.
Ciel squirmed and bit his lip as I rubbed him, and I quickly pulled his boxers down to his knees, causing Ciel to let out a cute yelp and a gasp from surprise as the cool air came into contact with his now exposed cock.
He blushed a red I had never seen before while averting his eyes. "Alois, this is embarrassing!!" He whined, "you still have almost all your clothes on!!"
"Yep, and you have all you clothes off, just the way I like it!!"
I smirked at him as I lowered my head, licking his tip causing him to let a adorable and erotic cry. I quickly took him in my mouth, making him arch his back and he moaned my name.
"A-alois!! Hah... ah! Nnngh!!"
I bobbed my head up and down, sliding my tongue along his hard length, sucking hard causing Ciel to whimper and moan. He ran his fingers through my platinum locks, trying to get me to take more of him in. Wanting him to enjoy himself, I skipped the teasing just this one time and I quickly took him all in my mouth, deep throating him.
He cried out loudly and thrust into my mouth almost causing me to gag. I held back from gagging and sucked again licking his shaft as I began bobbing my head up and down again, playing with the tip.
"Mmh ah!"
Damn was being so freakin cute and erotic!! I was gonna die right there from an overdose of mega, cute, hot, lewdness!!
I continued to suck and lick, bobbing my head up and down, humming as I took every bit of him in, causing him to moan and whimper loudly.
I pulled back to giggle down at Ciel, before I quickly got back to work, bobbing my head as I ducked him off, his hands gripping at my hair.

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