CH I: Part 1: Born from a Star

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He laid in the pitch blackness in a cold hard smooth floor beneath him. Curled up and close to a larger mass right beside him. He cooed and cuddled closer to none other than who was possibly his mother. At least the one female who took him as her own son. His Father was away on a Misson so it was just him and her. Even though he wasn't her Pure Bred she still accepted him. Her name was Zura, and at first she didn't ever think about being a Mother at first. That was way before she saw Nixx.

It started out like this. One of the Xulkrilyte Ships was orbiting a giant Orange Star of a random System unknown to anyone who would have been there. The Star was not young but not that old either. The Xulkrilytes were in need for more Xylowraiths and sadly at the time didn't make them fertile yet. That would be a new modification added on in the next up coming years. "Initiating seed into CR76 Class Star." One spoke in the coms. Another being a female replied "Copy. Ejecting Pod now." Out of a chamber shot out a Pod the size of a vending machine right into the Star.

It disappeared into it almost looking like it melted into the surface. They waited for about 4 hours until they were sure the process had complete. "Retrieving Seed Pod now." The male spoke after the dead silence was over. The Pod re-emerged out of the Star and was 10 times smaller than it was before. It was perfectly shaped like an egg and was floating back towards the ship. A arm then went out and grabbed it. It was taken back in. The Egg was placed on a stand and it was shining black with orange cracks glowing around it. Two Xulkrilytes then walked in, a male and a female. They looked like Anthro Jackals who wore high-tech armored suits, some partes were latex.

They also wore helmets with barely visible visors. But they soon removed them to reveal their faces. The male was black with big pointy ears pointing straight up. He even wore glowing neon make up around his eyes which was colored gold. His assitant was beautiful looking as she wore neon silver make up and had long braided hair. It was possible they were saw as Gods in Egypt. "Hopefully we waited long enough." The Woman spoke approching the average sized egg. "4 hours is more than enough Kamil." The Male said walking up next to her. "Should be hatching soon." Meanwhile the Xylowraiths were in their hangars stationed on a random Moon in the same System and were being tended to. Zura was getting inspected by a group of random looking Xulkrilyte keepers that had all kinds of random animal features. Some had long tails, some had big ears and eyes and other looked hideous or cute or handsome.

She hated being poked and prodded by them. They annoyed her. But she couldn't do a damn thing about it as she was chained down and she had a mouth cover on even on her forehead. They forcefully made her lift her rear up and looked at her private area. She hissed abd growled when they poked around where her supposed Vagina was. One was rubbing her there "Hey! Watch it Shithead!" She hissed but they didn't understand her. Soon the bastard stopped and said something to the other. It was soon over and the chains were removed and the Keepers left before Zura could do anything.

Zura: "Perverted ass fucks!"

"Calm down Zura. They are just making sure that you are still in good shape. Its their job." Zuras good friend Lazarus said. Zura lays down and curves her tail around her. She had black skin with a bit of a purple tint to it, and had glowing velvet markings on certain parts of her body and a sharp figure 8 on her forehead. Of course she had the long Cobra like hood that stretched from her forehead all the way down to her front legs. She had a slim and actually attractive body and a long tail with two axe shaped blades at the end. There were lines along her body in perfects forms that made her even more gorgeous.

As beautiful as she looked, she had a sinister and short temper type attitude. Many times males tried to flirt and mate with her and many times she scared them off. She even was unapproachable with the Keepers as she was so vicious. The only male she was really nice to was Lazarus. As he didn't see her as a potential mate but a good friend. She was a Reconnaissance type that just graduated top tier of her class. Yes Xylowraiths had ranks of their own as they got older but there were times they would be stuck in a certain rank until they did something to break through and move up another rank.

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