CH IX: Part 1: Face-To-Face

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Nixx was waking up from the morning sun from the east as it was rising up from the horizon. Zura, his mother, was lying by his side and woke up a little before he did. She says, "Sleep well ~?" Nixx yawns, stands up and stretches, and then looks up at Zura and replies, "Yes. Slept just fine, mom." He was not sure if he needed to go do more training, but he was feeling quite tired today.

Nixx: "More training today?"

Zura: "You are free today. Perhaps we can do something together?"

Nixx looks up at her and smiles and says, "Sure! Like what?" Zura didn't have an idea at that moment. She thought for a moment. Then she says, "Here. I can show you this one place that is really beautiful. It is one of the natural wonders of this planet."
Nixx was curious and asked, "Really?" Zura smiles and replies, "Sure! I will show you." She gets up, and Nixx gets up right after to follow her to the entrance of the hangar. He wondered what kind of 'wonder' this planet could have. He then asked, "What about space? When will I be going to space?"

Zura: "You will go to space eventually. Patience."

Nixx nodded happily to Zura as he smiled. She was his mother, after all. Or at least the one who adopted him as her own. As they walked to a spot where Zura wanted to take him, he rubbed against her leg and purred happily. He then ran around a bit ahead but didn't get too far. He was making sure Zura was in his sight, and he was in hers so that she didn't worry.

Zura smiled and didn't mind Nixx running around and having fun. She enjoyed his joy and was happy that he was being what he should be a pup. He did run a bit ahead but didn't leave her sight, which was good. They were close to the place now as it wasn't far. It was actually a hot spring, and it was a place where some of the Xulkrialyte soldiers went to go bathe and relax. In fact, there was some there now. And they were all naked, of course. There were also some Xylowraiths there, and some were small pups as well.

Good, at least Nixx had some to play with. Nixx stopped and looked around at the hot springs and saw how pretty it was. There were fancy, weird trees that had transparent leaves and flowers, some in different colors. They glistened in the sunlight, which made them look crystal like. Nixx liked the look of this place. It really looked beautiful. Nixx looked up at Zura and wondered if he could go play. Zura nodded and gave him the 'ok' to do so. Nixx happily ran off and went to go splash and play in the shallow spring puddles. Nixx splashed in them and rolled around to get wet. The water was nice and warm.

He then jumped into the nearest deeper pool and splashed. He knew how to swim. It was another part of his training. The water was nice and warm. It wasn't that much to him. Of course, being born in the heart of a star meant that any kind of heat wouldn't bother him. He splashed around for a bit, and then he was so busy splashing about until he bumped into something soft. "Oh! ~ Look where you're going, little pup. ~" Nixx heard a sweet female voice say. It wasn't a Xylowraith. He opened his eyes and saw it was a female Xulkrialyte. She was naked and was leaning against the side.

She had some braided hair and actually wore earrings. Nixx saw he ran into her breasts, but he did not know that was what they were. Nixx looked at her nervously, but she just smiled down at him with her light green eyes. "Awww. Are you afraid you're in trouble? It's ok. Come here. ~" She grabbed Nixx and then started to hold him close to her. She cradled him like a baby and started petting him. Nixx was at first kind of feeling a bit strange how she was holding him. His head was close to her breasts, which he didn't know was what they were called. She just smiled down at him and began to pet him. She then started to scratch underneath his chin. Nixx had never felt this before, but he did like it. It felt really good. He started purring as the Female Xulkrialyte kept petting him. She giggles and says, "You are loving this little pup? ~" Nixx was too busy purring and enjoying the pets and scratches that he wasn't listening. Then, another female Xulkrialyte came up, and she had no fur or hair on her head. Her body was curvier than the one holding Nixx, and she even had dark blue eyes. She came up, put her hands on the side of her face, and pretty much said in a loud, high-pitched tone, "OH MY ETERNALS!! IT'S THE NEW PUPPY!!" Nixx looked up at her in a shocked frightened expression. 

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