CH IV: Part 1: Another Planet/More Enemies

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It was the next Planet on the list to be wiped out. Only of its life and then take it for their own. Zura laid down on the surface of the orbiting moons of the Planet. Malth'yneer it was called. Another Female Xylo walked up next to her and said, "The species on this planet has been nothing but a bunch of slime suckers and diseased, not to mention hideous and disgusting. We will be doing this System a favor destroying them." Zura then replies, "Will it be worth it?" Vyri the other Female Xylowraith says, "Oh of course darling. Just think how much rare minerals will be stored on that Planet." Zura then smiles and gets up, she then says, "Hope you are right Vyri. Cause it is going to be a bloody slaughter."

Meanwhile Nixx had introduced himself to the class. He had gotten along with the others except the ones who were calling him such names like: "Runt", "Reject", "Not a Chosen". He was getting tired of them; it was sort of making him feel like he wanted to prove them wrong. That is exactly what Infinite told him to do as he was sure that he was worthy to become a high ranking Xylowraith in the Xulkria Royal Republic Military (XRRM). He was determined to do his best. The Trainer ran them through the basics. Flying, using abilities, firing their Death Lazer Beams etc. Nixx had been in second place with all of them, pretty much getting his high-ranking marks. He would be exhausted afterwards and then it was "refueling" time. But Zura was nowhere to nurse off of. Instead, they were given floating orbs that rotated like thousands of rings and the fuel was given to them from this floating device no bigger than a bowling ball. The Fuel would float out of the revolving Ball of rings and would appear as the color of the glowing markings of the Pup it would go to and then they would absorb it. Nixx was amazed how it worked, and how it just flowed into him. The feeling of it felt weird but it was now really warm and cozy. This feeling would stick with him for many years to come later on into the future.

Lavelle: "Now that all of you passed the basics with flying colors sort... No pun intended at all."

He chuckles a little before he continues to speak. "However, I do hope that you will step it up a little. In fact, I recommend that you actually give it your all. Cause this time, I will not go easy on you. May become hard on you, but I will remain fair. Cause that will help you learn more and make you stronger to make you worthy of what you will become later on. If you do your best than best, then you will be rewarded." Nixx was nervous about this, but he felt like he could step up to the challenge. Infinite and Xzyra were excited about the next step in their training. "What do you think Nixx? Are you ready?" Xzyra asked. Nixx did not reply immediately, he was pondering about it quite a lot. Infinite then had to say, "Nixx? You ok there?" Nixx finally noticed and then spoke, "Oh? Sorry. What?" Xzyra smiles at him and repeats her question: "I asked are you ready for the higher training?" Nixx responded and said, "Um... Yes. I guess so. I am nervous." Infinite and Xzyra then looked at each other and then looked back at him. "It's ok. It is natural to be nervous. I think we are as well." Xzyra smiles and agrees, "Yeah. But don't worry, we will be there for each other."

Nixx: "Promise?"

Infinite: "we promise. We will work together."

Xzyra: "What are friends for right?"

Nixx smiled and knew he was not going to be alone in this. He closed his eyes and smiled. "Nixx? You are having those flashbacks again?" Agent Linnell asked. Nixx opened his eyes and then turned to see Jay was standing there leaning against a wall looking at him with his lowered shades. Nixx replies and then says, "Yeah. I was just remembering what it was like to be with some familiar faces." Jay asks adjusting his shades, "Really? Like whom? Others of your species?" Nixx nods and gives Jay a look that he pretty much was right. So, they had a mission to do and that was complete some hits that was assigned to them. They had to kill some inter-dimensional foes that came to eliminate them from the Universe and not just stop the interference of the Timeline but of their own well-being. Being erased or wiped clean from the existence they had to cling on to. Nixx knew it was vital they completed this mission. Jay then cocked a futuristic Sniper Rifle and said, "Well. Get your mind and thoughts straight! We got some Sons of Bitches, and we can just relax and have a beer." Nixx smiles and nods in agreement.

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