CH XIII: Part 1: Rifts

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Murphy was looking at the picture of what looked to be some kind of black hole. It was in the outer area of the solar system. Not only that, it looked similar to other black holes he had seen in other universes. He was not sure if they were just normal black holes, or they were something different. "Ok. I guess I need to go pay Jay a visit." Peaceseeker said as he started typing and flipping some switches on the console.

He was simply going over to Jay's house to talk with him

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He was simply going over to Jay's house to talk with him. Hopefully, he was home. If not, a little time to travel never hurt. His TARDIS dematerialized and then rematerialized on some random street underneath a street lamp. He was on Earth now, and the streets were quiet. As soon as the TARDIS landed, Peaceseeker opened the door and peeked out. He saw no one was around, and it was cold. He even saw some Christmas decorations out and some lights. Of course, it was almost Christmas, and some snow was starting to fall.

Murphy got a scarf and a bigger jacket to bundle up to get warm. He had Jays address and knew where to go. In fact, he should be right in front of Jay's house right now. He just had to be sure. Murphy saw the house, and he walked up to the front door and knocked on it. He looked around nervously and was cold. It was dark out, and he did not want to deal with any shenanigans tonight. Hopefully, no Christmas carolers came by and started singing. That was the last thing he needed.

Soon, the door opened up, and there was Jay, peering out and looking down to see Peaceseeker standing there. "You called?"
"Murphy! What a surprise. Come in. it's freezing out there." Jay said, opening the door a little more. Peaceseeker came in and said, "Thank you. Lovely place you got here." He shook off the snow. "Thanks, it is a cozy home. I guess you got the picture I sent you?"

Peaceseeker: "Yes. I was curious about that. I guess you really wanted me to come talk to you about it?"

Jay: "Um. I wasn't thinking that you would come over now. But, I guess."

"Honey! Who is that!?" A woman voice called from upstairs. Jay said, "Just the Peaceseeker, babe! Why don't you come down and meet him?" Peaceseeker heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and he turned to see a woman dressed in pajama bottoms, and a sweater appeared and looked down. She saw him and had a look of confusion. "Ummm... Is that him?" Jay looks at Murphy, who just stood there and waved. He didn't need to say anything, Peaceseeker already was saying, "Yes, I am the Peaceseeker, but you can call me Murphy. Murphy, Peaceseeker, either one is fine."

Kaya: "Ok... Nice to meet you, Murphy. I take it you are a time-?"

Murphy: "Timelord, yeah... I am more of a Timechild, actually. I never really earned the title, Timelord. It's more like normal young Gallifreyian."

Kaya seemed speechless, then she turned towards Jay as she was now down the stairs. "You weren't kidding when you said you met a time traveling child hun."

"Would I kid about something like that? Seriously, though, I don't usually over exaggerate on things too much, Kay. You should know that." Jay said with a smirk. Kaya just blushed and then looked down at Murphy. "Want to have some hot chocolate?"

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