CH X: Part 1: The Peaceseeker

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Jay entered the Blue Box that confirmed his suspicion. It was not a big blue phone booth at all. It was indeed a machine that was way bigger than it was on the outside.

 It was indeed a machine that was way bigger than it was on the outside

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(Not my picture. This is the view from the door.)

He was not sure if the boy named Murphy was in here. But he kept walking and looking around. Until Murphy appeared out of the doorway that led to some stairs. He stopped and stared at Jay, who stared at him back. "I had a feeling you would follow me."Murphy said and walked past Jay and went to the console. "I had a slight feeling that you were something or someone different." Jay said in response. Murphy seemed obviously not surprised but not that appreciative of Jay bargaining into his TARDIS uninvited. However, he did seem calm as he was just pressing and flipping a few things on the console. He then brought up a few pictures that showed random things and places, as well as people and individuals on the panel.

"Who are you exactly? Are you actually a Timelord?" Jay asked, not beating around the bush. Murphy stopped and looked over at him and said, "Yes. Not necessarily a 'Timelord'. I never actually earned that title. However, I am a Gallifreyan, yes." Jay raised an eyebrow
and said, "Didn't your people? no offense. Die out? Weren't there only two who survived?" Peaceseeker (Murphy) looked at Jay with a face that clearly stated that he didn't like what he had just said.

His eyebrows furrowed, and eyes staring, he responded with a stern tone, "That was a simple prophecy. A belief. There are always those who manage to survive. Time is more complicated than you think."

Jay: "Like how?"

Murhpy: "Some people think time is a 'cause to effect' sort of thing. But as one said, it is more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly randmey timey wimey stuff."

Why did that sound familiar? Jay seemed to understand. But now he was curious about one thing. "Why are you here? Is there a reason?" Murphy looked over at Linnell again and said, "It was a mistake, really. Fell through an open gateway that sucked me in. My TARDIS was malfunctioning and sent me to a random location. Now, I am just popping here and there in this universe trying to find a new opening, hoping to leave soon."

Jay: "You fell through a wormhole?"

Murphy: "Simply put it, yes. In another more complicated way. I got sucked into an interdimensional multiversal vein that opened up from a slight fracture in the space time continuum. It's the fabric of this reality being cut open from an unseen force that has interrupted the natural timeline. Something either in the past or sometime in the future."

Jay was just thinking about all this, and then he thought about how Nixx arrived in hell. Was that the cause of the fracture? He then asked, "So. It seems that something has interrupted our timeframe in our universe that shouldn't happen?" Murphy nods and says, "Correct. And now I have made it my task to both leave and find the source of the fracture. And try to at least patch up the best I can."

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