CH XI: Part 1: Harsh Realities

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Nixx was with Infinite, Xzyra, and another Xylowraith named Halo. He had dark silver skin instead of black and yellow markings. His tail blades were shaped like sickle blades that were backward. They were up in the air flying to an island and then back for a trial run. They were getting bigger. They were about the size of average sized canines now, and they were pretty much hitting their elementary years.

Nixx was doing corkscrews in the air, and Infinite did a few spins and twirls. Xzyra did a big loop in the air. Halo just did some dives and went back up. "Are we almost there?" Xzyra asked.
Halo responded, "We should be soon." They flew a bit farther until they saw the island up ahead. They dove and headed straight for it. They flew alongside some native creatures that flew to the island as well, making their weird sqwaking sounds. Xzyra thought that they sounded funny.

"What are those called again?" Infinite asked.

"Delks, I think." Halo replied.

They landed on the island. It had a dense jungle covering most of it. "What do we do now?" Asked Nixx. Xzyra looked around and then said, "Let's go to that lagoon I heard about! I hear it's very beautiful!" She led the way since she knew where it was. The other three followed her as they ran fast through the jungle. They soon made it to the lagoon and stopped to stare at it.

It was indeed very beautiful, just like Xzyra said. Nixx had not seen anything like it before. The springs were also beautiful, but this was way more. The water was clear light blue, there was a waterfall and what looked like sparkly marble rocks on the bottom. There were also some rocks sticking up out of the water with more waterfalls falling from them.

The Xylowraith pups were just so awe struck by it and had never seen anything so beautiful. Even Nixx was so mesmerized by it. Halo was the first to hop into the water while doing a front flip and then a dive. Infinite, Xzyra, and then Nixx joined him. They played, splashed, jumped around in the water, and even played a game that was Tag. Nixx was the one that was it, and he was trying to catch the others. He got Halo when he wasn't looking. He got Infinite and was now after Xzyra. She zipped and zagged and was literally enjoying the chase.

For some reason, she liked how it was Nixx. She was not sure why, but she liked Nixx a lot. As she was thinking about this, she didn't realize that Nixx cut her off and was almost about to get her. Xzyra zagged left and then dove under the water. Nixx followed and chased after her. He was determined to catch her. He then thought of something. He turned and went right and went around a reef and disappeared. Xzyra was surprised when she stopped and saw he was gone.

"N-Nixx?" She called out. No answer. She was looking around, hoping to see him or be wary. He was probably trying to trick her. However, she was a bit worried. Just as she was thinking about looking for him, "BOO!" A voice said behind, and she saw it was Nixx right behind her. She let out a shriek of fear and tried to flee. But Nixx caught her, and they both flew up, out of the water, then landed on the beach, with Xzyra on top of Nixx, and they were nose to nose.

They both stopped and stared into each others eyes and were blushing. Just then, Xzyra got off of Nixx and said, "OH!! S-Sorry!" She was now sitting down and looking down with a blush on her cheeks. Nixx got up and said, "That's ok. I suppose I got you." Xzyra looked back at him with a nervous smile and replied, "Y-Yeah. You really surprised me. How did you do that?"

Nixx: "Oh. Gal- I mean, my father taught me to switch into a stealth mode."

Xzyra: "Wait. Did you almost say, Galvik? He taught you that!?"

Nixx nods and says, "Yes. Oh... Wait... You didn't know Galvik has accepted to he my chosen father"? Xzyra was stunned by this, and then Halo and Infinite came up and were wondering what was going on. "Hey? What are you two doing? Is the game over? Who won?"

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