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[ 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。  SWEETHEART 。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。 ]

i never thought i would be laying in my boyfriends bed, listening to his new neighbour flirt with him. but here i am, staring up at the ceiling, hearing their muffled voices from the other side of the door.

she knocked on the door at 7 am, pulling both Eddie and i out of our peaceful sleep. to say i'm mad is an understatement, Eddie sluggishly got out of bed, pulling on his clothes before wandering out of the room, leaving me to sit here.

her loud obnoxious laugh fills my ears, a small groan leaving my lips. i slide out of bed, pulling on my bra and underwear before taking a deep breath, pulling his bedroom door open.

my eyes land on the pair, her hand on his arm, quiet giggles leaving her lips. her eyes move to me, the smile falling from her face.

"oh i didn't know you were here" her voice is filled with the same bitchy fake tone that i always heard in high school. i give her an sarcastic smile.

"we haven't officially met," i begin, Eddie's eyes not leaving my body, "i'm Caitlin" she gives me a smile, slowly removing her hand from Eddie.

"Sarah, Sarah Green" she speaks, "you must be Eddie's girlfriend. i've heard so much about you" she looks over at Eddie, a fake smile on her face.

"okay well i'm really tired so im going to go back to bed, talk later?" Eddie finally speaks up, Sarah nodding before she opens the trailer door, rolling her eyes.

the door closes after her, my eyes moving over to Eddie, "god you cant do this to me" he groans, his eyes not leaving my body.

"what? finally have enough of her flirting with you?" my voice is harsher than i expected it to be, Eddie's eyes widening.

"no sweetheart," his head shakes in response to my words, a frown tugging at his lips, "you're the only one for me, it's always been you" he reassures me, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"hmm" i hum in response, looking up at the boy who just stares down at me, trying to figure out what i'm thinking. his new neighbour is making me nervous.

seeing her practically hanging off him isn't the nicest thing to see and has already definitely ruined my day. however, Eddie Munson doesn't lie. ever. he loves me and only me.

"you're hot when you're mad" he mutters, a stupid smirk dancing across his lips. i let out a scoff, trying to remove myself from his grip before he groans, pulling me closer.

"Eddie come back to bed" i whisper, my eyes squinting at him to try to hint at what i'm saying. after a few short seconds, it's like the cogs in his brain finally start to move, his smirk growing. 

and with that, i remove myself from his grip, my hand latching onto his own as i pull him back into his room, the door closing behind us.

"did i mention that i've been dreaming about the moment i get to be inside you again?" his voice is much raspier than usual, full of lust. my eyes slightly widen at his words, butterflies flooding my stomach.

his lips connect with mine, not giving me a chance to reply back to his comment. my fingers tangle in his hair, hearing a small moan like sound leave his lips when i tug softly.

his fingers glide against my cold skin, sending goosebumps over my soft skin. my hands latch onto the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head in one swift motion.

"god Caitlin" he lets out a groan at the feeling of my cold fingers against the warm skin of his chest, a small smile tugging at my lips.

his lips brush against the skin on my neck, leaving harsh kisses that will definitely leave bruises but we don't care. all i want is Eddie Munson.

his hands land on my waist, softly pushing me down until my back hits the mattress. my hands hold the back of his neck, pulling him closer and closer until he's hovering over me, the same stupid smirk resting on his face.

"i missed you Eds" i stare up at the boy who stares down at me, his hands on either side of my head, holding himself up. his smirk turns into a smile, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth.

"say it again" he speaks, his eyes not leaving my own. my heart skips a beat, the same rosy tint dancing across my cheeks.

"i missed-" i start to repeat myself before being cut off, the boy on top of me pushing his lips back onto mine, a small hum vibrating from my lips.

his hand moves to my thigh, pulling my leg up and around his waist, pushing his body closer to my own. the boy's nails dig into my thigh, sending a burning pleasure to fill my stomach.

Eddie Munson is perfect. everything he does is perfect. his soft lips against my own and his burning hands caressing every inch of my body.

after almost suffocating, we pull apart for a moment, our breathing heavy and heated, our lips red and puffy. he reaches for his nightstand, pulling out a square wrapper.

"i need to be inside you" he mutters eagerly, leaning back over to hover over my body. his eyes don't leave my own, his pupils wide and dilated with lust.

"fuck please" my voice is barely above a whisper, begging the boy to do something. i need him. it's been over a year since his skin has touched my own and it feels absolutely perfect to finally feel him.

his lips curve into smile, not hesitating to pull his sweatpants down to his ankles. i watch as he rips the packet open, sliding the condom on before looking back at me.

his fingers slide my underwear to the side, slowly sliding into me. we both let out a gasp at the feeling, my fingers gripping his shoulders.

"fuck Caitlin" he slowly begins to grind his hips against my own, small whimpers leaving my lips. the sound of our heavy breathing fills the almost silent room, his moans like music to my ears.

"Edd-ie!" my voice is loud, my head falling back into the pillow, the neighbours been able to hear everything. my whimpers and moans only make Eddie go faster and harder, his thrusts making the bed squeak whilst moving.

"let the neighbours hear you, let them know you're mine" his voice is deep and raspy, the sound of his voice alone tipping me over the edge, before i accept, letting out a moan.

i pull his face towards my own, roughly pressing my lips against his. i let out a moan, only for it to be muffled into the kiss.

Eddie lets out a moan, his head falling into the crook of my neck. the noises leaving his mouth only vibrate against my neck, his breath hot.

"fuck Eddie" my stomach begins to tighten, my nails digging into his back, definitely leaving marks. marks that only i will be able to see.

"sweetheart" his voice is deep, muffled by my hair. my eyes squeeze shut, letting the feelings of ecstasy flow throughout my body.

his thrusts become sloppier, allowing me to ride out my high while he continues to get closer to his own. he lets out a groan, twitching inside of me before his thrusts come to a stop, both our breathing loud and heavy.

"i love you" is all i can manage to mutter out, my whole body shaking with pleasure. Eddie's lips curve into a wide smile, placing a soft delicate kiss against my lips before he pulls out of me, laying beside me.

"i love you, so much" his voice is unsteady due to his breathing.

god he's amazing

word count: 1335

—————— AUTHOR'S NOTE ——————
also i know the smut sucked, i had no motivation to write some really good stuff.

————————— BROCKSWHORE —————————

2nd August, 2022

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