Funerals and Weddings- Umbrella Academy

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Number Five noticed a pattern. Viktor thinks he might be right.

Warning: Viktor goes by Vanya for a part due to being closeted, and Five has self-esteem issues and depression. Spoilers for the last couple episodes of season 3.

NotSamsFanAccount You like the parallel of Viktor always caring for Harlan. You're going to hate this parallel. (Okay, part of it is just a theory of mine, but whatever).

InterallySchreeching For confirming what we both noticed about Sparrow!Ben and Klaus.


Luther and Diego look at each other, hatred and blame lingering in their eyes. Neither of them can bare to look at their other siblings: Klaus, talking madly out of his mind to himself; Allison, staring blankly ahead with glossy eyes while smoothing out a wrinkle that refuses to budge; and Vanya, standing in a plain blue shirt and pair of jeans while looking around helplessly. There is absolutely nothing that they can say to each other that will ever fix this.

"Children, gather round," orders Reginald Hargreeves, his voice breaking the tense and mournful silence. He gestures for his children to come closer. "As you all know, today is Ben's funeral. There will be reporters here, and they'll ask you some questions. There is to be no blaming of your fellow siblings. Are we clear?"

"Yes," agrees Allison, the rest of the group nodding in agreement.

"Vanya, why don't you go do something useful for the group? Go get some lemonade or something," remarks Reginald before walking off to greet the eager press, all of them with their cameras at the ready. He wipes his face, likely trying to put on a show in front of the press.

Klaus continues to mumble to himself, although Luther doesn't have anything to say against Klaus's newfound unhealthy habit- first the drugs, and now the hallucinations to go with them. If mumbling becomes Klaus's new coping mechanism, he'll be doing better than all of them.

Everyone thinks Luther is stupid, which he understands. Brute strength isn't much of a power when compared to compelling people with a few words or communicating with the dead or having tentacles come out of your body or traveling through time. Brute strength seems rather normal, like Vanya. Luther notices things, he just doesn't say anything. He noticed that Diego let the knife fall and pierce his skin, all while having control over every other weapon in the room. He's seen Allison compel spiders into tangling themselves in their own webs, leaving them to slowly starve while she watches, completely numb. He's seen Vanya skip meals and throw up in the toilet while crying. Luther has been going to the gym every single day and pushing his body to the limit, sometimes running so out of breath that he has to gasp for air.

Reginald hasn't done much grieving for Ben, at least not in front of the children. He has them still attend a family meal, although it's taken in a silence that is only broken by the scratching of silverware on plates. He still requires the children to do their exercises, although he seems less and less hopeful about the group's teamwork. The man still stands tall and proud, as if nothing was taken from him. His heart is still whole, beating peacefully without so much as a burden. He never felt his heart shatter in a billion pieces that could never be repaired again, nor has he ever felt a sorrow so powerful that it threatens to crush him whole. Reginald is like a robot: a computer with no emotions.

Grace is doing about as well as a grieving robot mother could be expected to do. Though she smiles, she gazes off in the distance, as if she can see something no one else can. She never says much about Ben, but the silence speaks for her. Even though she is a robot, made from plastic and wires and spare parts, she shows more emotions than Reginald ever has. She makes the dinners and attends to the children present in the house, but she lags at times. She stalls when she approaches Ben's room, and she completely freezes near Number Five's bedroom, as if she can't bare to be near the reminders of her lost children. It is as if Grace is their real mother- she may as well be, considering that Reginald's parenting is iffy at best.

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