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so after the doctors took me to my room they started asking questions

when did the pain start?
how bad are yu bleeding?
when was your last period?

yk the regular but i could barely answer any of them really the last one but then a female doctor came in

hi ms iris im dr.williams and are you still in pain? she asked
i mentally rolled my eyes cus wtf it look like but i cant be upset at her cus she is just doing her job

yes i am i groaned
is it ok if i could do an ultrasound on you real quick ? she asked
yes i replied
ok give me one moment to get the tools

she left but soon came back with her supplies

the room began to get darker
ok this gel is gonna be cold but you will warm up to it she said trying to calm my nerves

she applied the gel and started to move the lil thingy around my stomach

ok so im going to ask you some questions okay?
yes thats fine
ok so when was your last perio? she asked while still moving the lil thingy around my stomach

i honestly idk i replied honestly
ok do you regularly have sex ?
i guess you could say that i replied with a conflicted answer

ok thank you for answering my questions and it looks as if you had a MISCARRIAGE

my heart dropped to my ass i couldn't believe it i didnt even know i was pregnant but im pretty sure i lost it due to shawns abusive ass i have to leave him and quick before he ends up killing me

im so sorry for your loss iris the doctor said trying to comfort me but it was pointless

i literally just heard that i lost a child MY CHILD

the doctor wiped the gel off of my belly and turned the lights back on

ms.iris i have to now take a look at your vagina so i can stop the bleeding and take out the baby just tell me when your ready she said as she stood at the door

ok can you bring my "boyfriend" back here,his name is shawn i told her
she nodded and closed the door

when she closed the door i just let the tears fall down my face forgetting about the pounds of makeup i had applied

soon after shawn came back there and came to my side
baby what happened ? he asked trying to sound worried
i had a miscarriage i replied while looking down

he gave me a hug and a kiss onna forehead
we gon get through this bae istg i gotchu he said then pecked my on the lips

thanks ik can you call the doctor back in here pls and tell her im ready? i asked
yea hollup then he left

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