duty calls

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Age: seven months
Location: my romanogers heart
Requested by: @ScarlettandNatasha

Age: seven months Location: my romanogers heartRequested by: @ScarlettandNatasha

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BEFORE EITHER OF HER PARENTS COULD BEAR IT, THEIR TINY BABY ANYA WAS SEVEN MONTHS OLD. Little Anya truly wasn't so little anymore. Her hair was longer, and Natasha started to pull the red strands into mini-buns and pig tails. And as she grew, the baby developed quite an explosive personality.

She developed a favorite parent, being more dependent on Natasha than ever which began to strain Steve and Nat's relationship. Theoretically, the little girl should be becoming more independent, not more clingy. Yet, she's still attached to her mama by the hip, screaming whenever the ex-assassin would need to put her down.

Natasha couldn't help but find Anya's obsessiveness a little endearing. It showed that her daughter truly appreciated spending time with her and it proved that she was doing at least something right. But, the clinginess was starting to get on her nerves too.

The Black Widow was desperate to get back to the spy and Avenging world. While she loved caring for Anya and soaking in all the baby affection, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the way Steve could leave for missions without their child putting up too much of a fuss.

As she got older, their daughter started to detest nap time. She fought against sleep tooth and nail to the point where she would scream herself to sleep – emotionally and physically exhausted due to her big feelings.

It didn't help that she was starting to cut teeth and have recurrent ear infections due to fatigue and inflammation in her head. Anya never felt very good and would be sure to alert her parental figures about every sensation in her suffering body.

The only thing that would provide Anya any comfort during her teething phase was nursing. She would eat around the clock, mostly from comfort and having her mother close helped immensely. Natasha was Anya's own personal pacifier, and the woman could help but feel a bit of pride in that – and then feel exhausted due to the demand.

The mother felt absolutely terrible for her suffering baby, hated the fact that Anya felt so much pain due to her erupting teeth. Anya's pediatrician mentioned that "it was a good thing babies cut teeth when they do so they don't remember the pain when their older." And the new mom took it as the stage of life being extremely traumatic for Anya.

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