wolves in the night

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( Warnings: sadness, character death, mentions of suicide, etc. )

Again, this isn't a happy chapter, please do not read if  the content triggers you.

" There are wolves in the night

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" There are wolves in the night. The soldiers would say that, when I was a girl. My uncles and brothers in war. My friends. Raising me on the battlefield because there was no where else to go. There are wolves, they would say. And there are stories about wolves and girls. Girls in red. All alone in the woods. About to get eaten up. Wolves and girls. Both have sharp teeth. "
― Marjorie M. Liu, Black Widow: The Name of the Rose

IN ALL OF CAPTAIN STEVEN GRANT ROGERS' LIFE, HE HAS NEVER FELT SUCH ALL ENCOMPASSING DEFEAT. Even after his best friend James Buchanan Barnes "died" back in WWII after he fell off that train, Steve didn't feel as low as he did now. The problem was, it wasn't just his grief or defeat now, it was the whole universe's.

The Avengers failed. He failed.

Steve failed to protect the one person he should have been able to above everything, his little innocent daughter. Natasha would later promise him that it wasn't solely his fault that Anya died. At least he had Nat, because if he didn't, Steve very well may have jumped off of the side of his apartment building in Brooklyn.

Carol was still searching for Tony and Nebula in space. She gave no indication of when she would be back yet and just told the remaining Avengers to continue searching for Thanos until she came back. They didn't even know if Tony was still alive. Pepper got a heartbreaking message from him about a week ago and he said that they were nearly out of food and water. It's just a waiting game now. A terrible waiting game.

The only problem of the reorganization of the Avengers is that hope was brewing. Hope for finding Thanos. Hope for bringing Anya back. The past few weeks without her have been excruciatingly difficult for Steve and Natasha. Their whole lives, apart from saving the world, revolved around the young girl; tending to her every need.

The poor man can't even go on the quinjet anymore because the young girl's carseat was still strapped into one of the bucket chairs. He could practically imagine Anya's little mumbles of joy as the quinjet starts to move, her cackling joyously in her chair because she loved the rocking motion.

Occasionally her ears would start to hurt due to the change of pressure while airborne. In these cases, the girl would start to whimper in her car seat, curl her hands into fists as she squirmed in the black and red upholstery.

It was often Steve who talked to her asking why she was, "putting up a fuss back there". He would keep his tone lighthearted, as most of the time it was also laced with concern. In most cases, Wanda, Sam, or Vision would disconnect their harness, meander their way towards the sobbing baby, and pass over her "binky" or pacifier from the backpack (Natasha absolutely detests the idea of "diaper bags") next to the seat, or from the quinjet floor if little miss threw it mid-flight.

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