Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. I looked to my right and saw... No one. There was a chair but no one was in it. I pulled all of the medical stuff off of my body and stood up. I almost fell but I grabbed onto something. I slowly made my way to the door and walked out. I looked through Windows and noticed Will in a room. Jonathan was the only one in there. I knocked on the door and walked in. Jonathan turned to me. When he noticed who I was he immediately sat me down. "Why aren't you in your room?" He questioned. "Didn't want to be in that empty room." I smiled.

Our conversation got cut short when Will woke up and looked at us. "Y/n?" He called. I waved. He looked at Jonathan. Jonathan had a few tears roll down his face. He hugged his little brother before going to get Will's friends. The three boys rushed into the room already trying to explain everything that happened all at once. Will was surprised when he heard the bits and pieces he could understand. "Guys." Jonathan laughed. "Give him some space." The boys all backed up. Mike looked at me. He smiled. "Y/n!" He exclaimed. He immediately ran up and hugged me. I hugged him back weakly. "Hey, dude." I smiled. "Why aren't you in your room?" He asked me. "I didn't wanna be in that empty room." I laughed. He frowned.

"Anyways, what'd I miss?" I asked. Everyone except Will looked at me. "Everything." The three boys said.


I was sent back to my room and Nancy, Mom, and Dad came to talk with me. "Where were you?" Dad asked angrily. I looked down at my hands. Mom sat down on the bed and held my hands. "Honey... Where did you go..?" Mom asked. I looked at Nancy. "Mom you guys should go to the waiting room I'll talk with Y/n." She offered. Mom nodded and took Dad out of the room with her.

"Was Barb with you when you were there..?" Nancy asked worriedly. "I'm not sure. That place was so dark.. I hadn't heard or seen her. I looked but I couldn't find her. I found Will though. I know it's pessimistic but what if.." I trailed off. "That's.. what happened. Mike was hiding some girl with powers and she found Barb dead in the upside down." I looked at her. Tears were building in her eyes.

I looked back at my hands. I felt terrible. Maybe if I had found Barb nothing would've happened to her. "I'm sorry Nancy.." I told her. She didn't say anything.


Eventually October rolled around. Tina was holding a party. I decided to go and be an idiotic teenager. Maybe I could forget all of those terrible nightmares and flashbacks for one night.

I put on my costume and fixed my hair. Nancy had already left with Steve. I was a bit mad that they didn't offer a ride but it's not like they had to. It's his car and he can decide who he lets in it.

I started walking to her house when a car pulled up beside me. I looked at it and saw Jonathan. "Are you going to Tina's party?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I can drive you there. I'm heading there anyways." He told me. I smiled. "Jonathan Byers is going to a party?" I joked while getting in his car.

When we got there there were already tons of people. Music was blaring. Everything seemed normal for once. I got out and rushed inside, straight to the kitchen. I grabbed a red solo cup and poured whatever alcohol was here in my cup. I downed it then got some more. I walked past Nancy and Steve. I didn't understand the hype about him to be honest. He was a major douchebag. The only good thing about him was his looks.

The keg contest was going on right now. The new kid, Billy Hargrove, was currently yelling with beer going down his chest. He was attractive don't get me wrong, but he was literally just trying to sleep with every girl he could. I decided I wanted to try. I'm not sure if they'd let me but it never hurts to ask. Billy and his goons flexed about his new stance to Steve. They were about to go away but stopped when they heard I wanted to try. A few boys laughed but I ignored them. Two people offered to hold me up so I chugged my drink, chucked the solo cup, and let them lift me. Someone counted down and I started chugging. I finished just one second before Billy. When I got down I smirked, proud that I'd beat the cocky man who just slept around.

Nancy watched me walk away to the door. I drunkenly walked home. When I got home I immediately rushed to the bathroom. I puked all of the alcohol out of my system and sat there for a minute. I took a couple tums and walked back downstairs to get some water. Mom saw me and quickly noticed the smell of alcohol. "Were you drinking?" She asked in disbelief. I looked at her. "Yes?" I don't know what she expected. I went to a high school party after all.

I was about to walk away but she started talking. "I'm so disappointed in you." She said. "Aren't we all." I mumbled walking to the stairs. I got about one step up before she started talking again. "Y/n you shouldn't be drinking at an age like this! Just be more like Nancy!" She exclaimed. I scoffed. I walked back down the stairs and stared her dead in the eyes. "I will never be good enough for you.." I said. She seemed irritated. "I am not the bad guy here, Y/n." She said. "Will I..?" I mumbled. I was expecting an 'I'm sorry, Y/n. I should've never treated you this way.' but I was just being stupid. "Nancy has done so much for this family, Y/n." She tried 'reasoning'. "She brought you home to us after you were kidnapped!" She looked like she was about to cry. "Yea? Well, maybe that was the mistake. Maybe I should've stayed kidnapped. Where you could have your perfect child and not have to worry about comparing me to Nancy 24/7!" I yelled the last part.

I stormed upstairs and slammed my door. I slowly slid down with my hands cradling my face. I cried for at least an hour before falling asleep on the floor.


I woke up with a terrible migraine. I grabbed some pills and downed a few. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible. I got dressed and fixed whatever monstrosity I just was before going downstairs and leaving the house for school.

I saw Nancy with Jonathan instead of Steve for once. That was a shocker. When Steve did show he looked so tired. But not the 'I couldn't sleep' kind of tired. I chose to ignore it and just went to class.

Nancy and Jonathan had seemed closer now. It was weird. I ignored everything the teacher said until, finally, the bell rang. I saw Steve in the hallway and decided to talk with him. "What's going on with you and Nancy?" I asked him. "Nothing." He said before walking away. "Well someone's grumpy." I mumbled and walked to my locker.

Once the school day was over I noticed Billy waiting outside. Probably for the girl who gets out of his car every morning. She was pretty but they obviously didn't get along. I was about to walk to the middle school when Billy called for me. I reluctantly walked over to him. "Yea?" I asked. "You need a ride home?" He questioned with a smirk. "Nope." I said before turning to the middle school. "Nice chat bud!" I said while walking away.

I walked into the school and started my search for the kids. I noticed Will walking around like he was lost then start running. "Will!" I called. He was probably having an episode. I chased after him until he stopped in the field. He yelled go away and then looked like he was having a seizure. "Will!" I raised my voice. "Will wake up!" I yelled. I shook him. I snapped my fingers. I tried everything but he wasn't budging. I noticed Joyce walk by me and I moved. She started trying the same stuff I had but still nothing was happening. Suddenly he snapped out of it and hugged his mom tightly.

She took him home and I turned to the kids. "What the hell happened?" I asked. They all shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "I'm pretty sure Billy is waiting for you by the way." I told the red head. Her eyes widened. "Shit.." she muttered before rushing off. "Ok." I said and started walking home.

I got home a bit after Mike and he eventually decided to go check on Will. His Walkie was going off pretty loudly so I decided to go see what happened. "Mike! We have a code red!" Dustin yelled. I picked up the walkie. I pressed the button and started talking. "Not Mike but whats going on?" I asked worriedly. "I'll explain later but can you meet at the junkyard? Over." He asked. "Yep on my way." I said then put the antenna down. "You're supposed to say over afterwards!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes.

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