Chapter 3

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When I got there I saw Steve and my eyes widened. "Steve!?" I called. He turned to me. "Y/n?" He sounded confused as well. "I thought you were calling for Mike?" He said to Dustin. "Mike didn't answer." Dustin shrugged his shoulders. "Alright what's going on? And why is there a pile of meat on the ground?" I asked.

"So I picked up a slug that actually turned out to be a demogorgan and it ate my cat." Dustin explained quickly. "A demogorgan? Your cat!?" I exclaimed. Dustin nodded. Suddenly Lucas showed up with the red head. She helped me and Steve start picking up pieces and cover the bus. Steve walked up to the spot Dustin and Lucas were talking and hit the metal with something. "Hey shitheads!" He exclaimed. "Why are the girls the only people helping me? Come on let's go." He said angrily. He started walking away. "Let's go! A little hustle!" He yelled. They both insulted him and started helping. I laughed.

Eventually we were ready. We all got in the bus and waited.


"So you really fought one of these things before?" The girl, now known as Max, asked. Steve just looked at her then back at his lighter and nodded.

"Are you sure it wasn't a bear?" Max asked. "Shit don't be an idiot! It wasn't a bear! If you don't believe us then why are you even here." Dustin exclaimed. "Geesh someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max asked sarcastically before going up the ladder. "That's good." Steve started. "Just show her you don't care." Steve smirked. I rolled my eyes. Of course he's telling that to Dustin. "I don't." Dustin said. Steve winked at him. "Why are you winking Steve? Stop." He said and I laughed. "Dustin don't take relationship advice from Steve. It's not gonna end well for you bud." I told Dustin. Steve looked offended.

"What!?" He asked. I shook my head and before I could answer we all heard a growl. The demodog, as Dustin had named them, didn't take the bait. I turned to Steve. He tossed me the lighter and picked up his bat. "Be ready." Was all he said before getting out of the bus. "Shit! Steve no!" I protested but he didn't listen. Max came down. "Whats he doing?" She asked. "Expanding the menu." Dustin said like it was the coolest thing ever.  "He's crazy." Max said. "He's an idiot." I sighed. "He's awesome." Dustin just admired Steve.

I swear this kid is down bad for Steve. Suddenly more appeared from the fog. "3 O'CLOCK! 3 O'CLOCK!" Lucas yelled. Steve turned and swung his bat when they pounced at him. Dustin opened the door. "STEVE COME ON!" He shouted. Steve rolled over a car and ran to us. The second he was inside I shut the door. "God you idiot." I mumbled. It was quiet before we heard something hit the roof. A demodog jumped on top of the roof. It walked to the entrance and Max screamed. "Everyone out of the way! Out of the way!" Steve screamed with his bat in hand. I pushed the kids back. The demodog was about to bite at Steve but ran away. "What happened?" I mumbled. "Maybe Steve scared them off?" Dustin suggested. "No.. no way." Steve said before walking out of the bus.

"They're going somewhere." He told us. I walked out as well. "Let's go back to the car." I told them.


Lucas and Dustin were arguing but I ignored them. There was a loud noise coming from somewhere in the forest. Steve walked to the more covered area of the forest. "Guys?" He called. I walked over to him. "Guys!" He yelled. The boys stopped arguing and looked at us. There was another Noise and we immediately started running. "No don't go towards the sound!" Max yelled. "Let's go!" I screamed.

We ended up at the lab but it looked like everything was shut off. We saw light coming through the forest so we all turned. "Steve?" Two people called. The came into view. "Nancy?" Steve called back. I rolled my eyes. Of course she would be wrapped up in this again. "What are you guys doing here?" Jonathan asked. "We could ask you the same thing." Steve responded.

We all caught each other up and now Steve was pressing the button to open the gate. It wasn't working and Dustin shoved him out of the way to try it himself. The power eventually came back on and the gate opened. "I did it!" Dustin cheered. I rolled my eyes. Hopper's police car zoomed to us. "Come on get in!" He yelled. I started pushing the kids forward. I jumped in the back with the kids and Steve sat in the passenger seat.


We were at the Byers house. Hopper was trying to get military help. I don't think anyone but him believed we could get military help. We heard the growls from those animals again. They were probably surrounding the cabin so everyone was getting ready to fight. Suddenly it went quiet. A demodog was thrown threw the window. I subconsciously went closer to Steve. The door lock started movie by itself. I got a little closer, bumping into Steve. He didn't notice though. A girl walked through. She looked very.. emo at that moment. Mike walked forward. "Mike.." she whispered. Eleven. They hugged and I smiled. He pulled away. "I called you for-" she cut him off. "365 days.. I know." He looked confused. "Why didn't you answer." He asked hurt. Hopper stepped forward. "I wouldn't let her." He explained. Mike looked pissed. He yelled and pushed at Hopper. "Mike!" I called out. His teary eyes looked at me. "Let's talk. Alone." Hopper demanded. I sighed.

Eleven hugged Dustin and Lucas. "We missed you." Lucas said. "We talked about you like every day." Dustin told her. She pulled away and a confused expression took over her face. She touched Dustin's front teeth. He pulled away confused. "Teeth." She said. He looked at Lucas then back at her. "You have teeth." She continued. "Oh." Dustin said laughing. "You like these purls?" He asked and purred. I had to keep myself from laughing at her confused expression. Max stepped forward. "Hi." She said excitedly. "I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you." She continued. Eleven just stared at her before shouldering past her. I shared a confused look with Max.

I nudged Steve. "I thought she was supposed to be cool." I whispered. He just shrugged his shoulders. Eleven hugged Joyce. They both had tears in their eyes. "Can I see him..?" She asked. Joyce nodded her head and brought Eleven to Will. When they walked back out I made eye contact with her. I broke eye contact not wanting to get the same rude stare she gave Max earlier.

She walked up to me. "Y/n?" She questioned. I nodded my head. "You're Eleven right?" I asked. She nodded her head. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed silent. "Are you like Will?" She asked slowly. It was like she never spoke before. That makes sense with what they told me. "If you mean the episodes then no." I laughed nervously. She just nodded her head. We turned to wherever Mike and Hopper went because the door opened. Mike came out first. "Mike." I called. He looked at me and I extended my arms. He walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and assured him everything was okay.


We had a plan. Hopper and Eleven would go close the gate. Jonathon, Joyce, and Nancy would go get the mind flayer out of Will. Steve and I would stay with the kids here. It sounded like solid plan and it was. Until the rev of an engine sounded outside. Max was scared. She said something about how Billy would kill her and Lucas. Steve assured them and went to confront Billy. I went out soon after him, pissed that the kids wouldn't listen. Billy walked over to us. "Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" He asked. "Yea, it's me. Don't cream your pants." Steve responded.

Billy asked about his sister, we said we didn't know where she was, he spotted her at the window, Steve got punched. I tried reasoning with Billy but he was pissed. Nothing rational was going through his mind. He pushed past me and went straight for Lucas. Lucas pushed him off by kicking him. Billy said he was going to kill Lucas and Steve picked a fight. Now little Stevie here has never won a fight but this was actually going in his favor. Until, Billy started getting punches in.

Steve ended up getting beat up pretty bad. Max stabbed Billy with the same stuff we used to put Will to sleep. He eventually passed out and now we were on our way to the pumpkin patch to burn the hub for the tunnels. I couldn't stop the kids and wasn't gonna try.
1514 words. Steve is endgame just so y'all know lol

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