51 - Fury Said to a Mouse

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"Have you ever met a demon, Lory?" said Fritz.

Lory looked up at him, wide-eyed, as he led her down the quiet halls of the Korevan palace. She could hear her own heart pulsing in her ears. "No?"

"Do you remember which demon was the ambassador to Korev?"

Lory hardly remembered which demon had been ambassador to Cerieve; it had been so long since the demon ambassadors had been recalled to the Otherworld. "No."

"Byelle," Fritz said. The name was unfamiliar, but it wasn't as if Lory had ever been well-educated on demons. "But we're not going to go see her. We're going to see Pan. Do you know who that is?"

Lory shook her head.

"Prince of Nathe," Fritz said. "Rules the Otherworldly principality of Nathe with Lilis. Surely you know her?"

Lory did know Lilis, or at least she knew her name. Everyone did. Lilis was a very active member of Viranian politics, especially since her half-blood son took the seat on the Viranian Council as the demon representative. Lory nodded.

"The House of Nathe is the Otherworldly house most cooperative in Midworld affairs," Fritz explained, "so they'll be the easiest to reach and talk to."

Lory looked up at him. "Do you think the demons would be willing to help?"

"They're willing to do anything, as long as they get something in return."

Something in return... "I don't have anything to give," she said.

"Don't you worry about it," Fritz said in his smooth, easy voice. She glanced at him somewhat skeptically, but he didn't elaborate further, opening a small black door at the end of the hall. She started to pass, but he stepped in front of her. "Come in after me," he said. "And watch your step."

He started through the door, and Lory could see that there was a staircase leading down into darkness. Hesitantly, she followed, hands reaching out to find a railing to hold on to. It was cold, but she clutched it tightly as she gingerly took her time stepping down into the empty.

"Be careful, the steps end here," Fritz said from somewhere in front of her. It was so dark she could hardly see a thing; it was almost like being in a portal. There appeared to be nothingness all around her.

She took a step and found level ground, nearly bumping into Fritz.

"Careful," he reminded her. There was the sound of an opening door, and suddenly, light. She had to blink quickly so as not to blind herself as the open doorway leaked rays of brilliant white light. Fritz stepped through it, and she followed.

She could see now as they stepped into a large room, perhaps the size of the throne room at the Cerieven palace. It was just as empty, too, nothing but a single round table appearing to have been carved of ebony wood sat in the center.

"Here," Fritz pulled out a seat for her, and she sat. The seat was cold, too. He sat beside her. "Just wait a moment, he knows we're here."

So they waited, until finally, a figure melted from the walls, tall and preternaturally beautiful. Lory knew, of course, that all demons were beautiful. After all, they could take any form they wanted. This demon had long, cascading locks of dark hair, equally as dark as his black eyes—the only thing demons couldn't change about their appearance in any form was their eyes. His skin was pale and smooth, like marble. "Well, hello," said sharp, pointed lips.

"Good evening," Fritz said. He didn't stand. Lory supposed it made sense. After all, he was a king, and Pan was only a prince. Yet, somehow, just being Otherworldly made Pan seem so much above them. Lory realized she hadn't said anything and managed a tight nod.

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