93 - Throw Down Silver and Gold

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Rapunzel frowned at her reflection in the mirror. It felt weird to do so. She almost never frowned at herself, but this wasn't good enough. She had to be better.

"What's wrong this time?" Madge sighed as she turned to ruffle through the pile of dresses strewn about the dressing room.

"This color is disgusting. It looks like someone just threw up."

"You said you wanted a duller green," Madge said, her back to Rapunzel.

"Well, not this dull. It's basically gray!" Rapunzel stepped out of the dress, tossing it to the side. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing that to the upcoming ball. Especially when there would be a million other girls. Besides, the green reminded her of Snow's eyes. "I don't want something bright, I don't want something dull, I want something spectacular. I want everyone to be looking at me."

"I don't think you need to try hard," Madge said. "What about this?" She turned, holding up a white and silver dress.

Rapunzel grimaced at the dress. "I'm not getting married." And no one else would be, either.

Rapunzel knew everyone would look at her, no matter what she wore, but it wasn't just that. She couldn't be Helena tomorrow night. She had to be Rapunzel, the princess. The queen. Not Andrina's daughter, because Andrina was dead, swinging out on the gallows. Agatha's daughter. Her real mother's daughter.

"I need to look like a queen," she told Madge.

Madge sighed again. "Well, I'm still working on the other dress, but I do have most of it done. Wait here."

She slipped out of the room, and Rapunzel waited impatiently for her to return. Madge finally came back out with something deep purple draped over her arm. She shook out the dress, and Rapunzel saw a beautiful violet gown with layers of silk and chiffon. Gold flowers were embroidered across the hem, and gold ribbon decorated the sleeves and waist.

"Well?" Madge said, and for once, Rapunzel had no words, not even about the infuriating smirk on Madge's face.

"Well, we'll see if it fits," Rapunzel snapped.

Rapunzel slipped into the dress, and Madge pinned it in the back. It fit perfectly. The inside was soft and smooth.

With it on, Rapunzel looked like a princess. She looked like a queen.

"I'm wearing this to the ball," Rapunzel announced. "And I need two more gowns."

"I know," said Madge. "Well, then it's settled. Come again tomorrow morning for final adjustments, and I'll come to the palace at night to help you get dressed."

"I can dress myself," Rapunzel said, glaring at Madge through the mirror.

"I bet you can," Madge said, helping Rapunzel out of the dress all the same.

Rapunzel left the shop and went out into the busy, crowded streets. She was alone, which was disappointing. Ivan was still infuriatingly upset about Jack, and Rapunzel was so over all of that. Jack hadn't even left yet. Ivan was acting like Jack had died or something. Not that Rapunzel would mind if he died.

Maybe it was for the best that she wasn't with Ivan right now. If she kept away from him, by tomorrow night, he'd be missing her, and that would only make him want her more. She was considering cursing all the other attendees—not to kill them, of course, that would be too obvious; maybe just make them all hideous or something—but she would need magic for that. And if she needed magic, she needed Nicolai and Cecilia. And she did not want to see them.

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