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I woke up to the sound of knocking at my front door. I groaned as I forced myself off of the bed.

"Who is it—" I paused when I opens the door "Shu? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" "Good morning! I'm just dropping your stuff off." And with a snap of his fingers a box of my belongings from the office appeared by my door. "Wha— I didn't even say anything yet."

"Yea well— HR told me to give you your stuff." He shrugged his shoulders. Then he sighed "Don't get into any trouble with that Mafia business [Y/N]." He had that worried motherly look on his face. "Yes mother— don't worry I'll probably only work there until [B/N] is out of the hospital." I answered crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

That was my plan anyway, whatever happens happens. Once my brother gets better I'll dip and get a regular job again.



After Shu left I looked at the location Luca sent me. I thought it would be a casual place so of course I wore casual clothing— ya know shorts and a nice top. I walked out of my house with my bag, keys, water bottle, and helmet. I really thought it was a casual spot.

It was not


As soon as I walked to the entrance a man in a black suit came up to me. "Hello, are you [Y/N]?" He looked like a body guard. "Yes I am." I nodded which led to them doing a quick nod.

"Boss is already here— I'll guide you to him." We walked into the building.

It was a high classed restaurant. I honestly felt like a little  child walking past these people in suits and nice dresses. 'Oh my goodness this is kind of embarrassing.' I mentally cried.

The body guard knocked on the door. When he lifted his arm to do so— I saw the lion symbol on his wrist. "Boss— [Y/N] is here." After he said that there was a faint " come in" from the inside.

The man opened the door for me and closed it behind me. "You could've told me to dress a bit more— more to the theme of the place." I complained as I took a seat in front of him. Even he was in his usual suit.

"Ah right, I'll let you know next time." He had a playful laugh. "So what are we doing here?" I asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable, even though we were the only ones in the room— but being in such an expensive place, makes me feel a bit overwhelmed.

"Right," he hands me a black folder with a few notes in them. "This belonged to the previous secretary— you can go over everything you need to know there and once you've done that you can make you own folder and have them written in your own way." He went on about what he does and about things that I need to keep track of for him.

It was a pretty normal explanation minus the extra stuff he needed to tell me. "And since you're with my almost 24/7 you would need to act as a body guard as well." '...' "Uh— you have people watching you from afar though?" I tilted my head as I held the folder in my hands. "Yes but there are those who slip past that circle— that's where you would come in." He nods his head and presses a button on the table.

I ignored that and went on saying "Well alright—" I looked down at my folder "You're a lion though, much stronger than me." "That may be true but you're magically talented." He smiled, hinting at my previous actions from yesterday. "I suppose."

Soon the door behind me opened and the scent of fresh food hit my nose. Two people came in and placed plates of food in front of us. 'Uwah! The food looks so delicious.' "You're drooling." Luca comments, causing me to flush red and wipe my mouth. "Well— dig in!" I hesitated

"This looks expensive—." I mumbled. "Don't worry about that, eat up you didn't have lunch yet right." I nodded and slowly brought food onto my own plate.

After a while I comfortably ate— until I looked up and he was staring straight at me. "W-what?" I asked covering my mouth with my hand as I had food in my mouth. "You're cute." '!!!!!'

I coughed and covered my mouth with a napkin now as I was struggling to breath. I grabbed the glass of water and drank it. Coughing a bit after I finished. Before I could say anything he says. "You said I was handsome out of no where the first time we met." He laughed. "B-b-because I was drunk!" I raised my voice a bit, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "So?" He opened his mouth the closed it, thinking for a bit. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"How about now?" He smirked, taking a bit of his food. "Am I still handsome?" He asked, watching me intently, looking at my reaction. My face flushed a bit more red. "N-no!" I clearly lied 'he's so handsome what?! But he's my boss now so—' I started to finish up the rest of the food on my plate and while I was doing so— Luca had an amused look on his face as if he was saying 'How fun.'

[His Calming Song] Luca Kaneshiro x Reader [HIATUS?]Where stories live. Discover now