A Call from the Hospital

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I groaned as I turned over and my face went up against something squishy? I snapped my eyes open and saw a chest with a black tattoo on it. I froze as I looked up to where soft snores were heard. '!!!!!!?????'

I quickly sat up but the grabbed my head, I have a head ache. "Good morning~" said the man, laying beside me in his morning voice. 'Oh my g—' "Go-Good morning!" I slightly shouted. My face was clearly red and he already had a playful smile on his face.

"What am I doing— here!?" I asked. We were in his bed, in his bedroom, in his house. "Oh well," he paused and sat up, stretching, oh he was still in the same attire as yesterday. "Someone wouldn't let me go. So I thought it'd be just easier to bring you home with me and sleep together!" He answered oh so innocently. My eyebrow twitched. "Ah— haha," I loooed away "I see."

"Well let's get ready and have breakfast and start work." He slides of the bed and stretches, his back cracking. "Ah I don't have clot—" he quickly cut me off. "You can borrow mine." He said it a bit quickly and he was looking away from me. "Uh, okay?" I went along with it and he directed me towards his bathroom. "I'll use the hallway shower so just use mine." I nodded as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Woah— this is totally his style." The bathroom had his usual color combos and was spacious. [Y/C]
I finished up my routine and walked out, assuming Luca was still in the hallway shower. I walked over to the drawer and cautiously looked through something that would match me. I pulled on the [Y/C] top, replacing the towel I had wrapped around me. "Where are his pants." I mumbled as k was looking in his drawers.

I finally found them and had them in my arms to go to the fully body mirror to see if they matched. As I was walking there the door opened. His eyes landed on me and it was almost like his whole face flushed red.

[You had his shirt on and that's about it, his oversized shirt that's went down passed your butt]

He slammed the door shut and shouted "I'm so sorry [Y/N]!" he said this several times and I just embarrassingly threw on the pants and went over to the side of the bed I woke up on sitting in it and rummaging through my bag. "I'm done you can come in now!" I shouted a bit, I'm glad my voice didn't crack.

The door slowly opened and then shut. He stayed quiet as he grabbed his clothes and walked to the room bathroom room which was right next to my side of the bed. I just stared down into my bag as he shuffled to the bathroom awkwardly. "Uh— I'll be goi to my office now." I quickly said as I grabbed everything  and hurriedly rna out the room, walking towards my office.  I gently closed my office door, and started to mentally cry.

Everything crashed down on me as I sat down on my chair. "I can't kiss you!? Because you're my boss!!" 'I must be going insane.'

Flash backs of my hugging him and holding onto his shirt came flooding into my brain and the I almost—

I paused. "I almost kissed him." I grabbed my hair with my hands and my head hit the desk. 'I'm actually insane.'


I received a phone call from the hospital and I answered it. "That is I,,, yes,, alright I'm coming now." I hung up and walked out of my office and to my surprise Charles was standing right outside. "Charles! Good morning." I smiled and he said "Good morning, [Y/N]." In his usual tone. "Ah wait right here for a bit." He nodded and I was going to reach for the door knob of Luca's office but he touched it first and opened it for me. "Thank you." I smiled and he just averted his eyes and nodded. When I looked at Luca he had a type of frown on his face. "I'm going to have to leave early today," I paused and placed a few documents on his table. "Here are the documents you need to review." "Where are you going?" He asked, staring right at me. "To the hospital sir." The pressure in the room felt a bit tense but not something I couldn't handle.

Charles on the other hand was struggling a bit, why hasn't he closed the door yet? I brushed it off and looked back at the annoyed(?) looking lion in front of me. "Are you feeling sick?" But as soon as he said that l, the expression on his face changed like he had just remembered something. "No, I have a family member in the hospital right now and they called me to come in." I answered truthfully and he just looked away  and said "Yes— right, I can come with you too—" I cut him off. "As your secretary— I cannot allow you to do that sir, you need to go over those documents before your meeting the day after tomorrow."

The look on his face took my back a bit but I still stood my ground. He looks like a little golden retriever dog that just got scolded. "Alright." He pouted and opened one of the folders. "I'll get going now." I bowed and made my way to the car. "Let's go Charles!" He smiled and nodded. "Why is he going with you?" Luca asked before I stepped out of the office.

I tilted my head "Because he's my body guard?" I answered as if it was an obvious answer. He started to pout. "Can I come?" He asked again but of course I said "you have to read the documents and I know how much you hate reading so going out will be a big distraction for you." I stated firmly and if his ears were showing right now— they would be dropping. "Fine." He mumbled and actually got to work. And with that I finally left the mansion and made my way to the hospital.

[His Calming Song] Luca Kaneshiro x Reader [HIATUS?]Where stories live. Discover now