Revived and rules.

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disturbing refences.

Tommy woke up just to be Dream staring at him. Grinning.

"wow. I Totally couldn't believe it worked."
Dream chuckled.

"You know, you probably wondering where you are! and shit. you are at MY HOUSE. so, you could do everything here! It's better than your DADS home! You could walk around! but, there's punishments for rules. We'll talk about it later! Our house is a bit big,but you'll get lost easily so you can call me or WILBY for you!"

Tommy was lost in his thoughts.

"Anyways! Here's the punishments and rules!"

Rule one:you can't leave this home. the punishments will be, being skinned alive and being revived.

Rule two:you must obey to us. Punishments will arrange from getting slapped to cutting one of your arms off.

Rule three:accept punishments. Punishments will arrange from getting a bruise on any spot to getting skinned alive 20 times. no punishments will be higher than getting skinned alive 20 times.

Rule four:you'll atleast have to hug one of us half an hour a day. The punishments can arrange from getting stabbed 3 times to getting skinned alive 10 times.

Rule five:you need to be atleast asleep at 12pm any later we'll do our experiments, you cannot sleep nor blink. You just lay there,watch us experimenting. There are no punishments to this rule except 'experiences'

Rule six:if you feel someone is watching you, ignore them. It's totally not us:), there are no punishments in this rules either.

Rule seven:if you show any disrespect to us we have to skin you alive for about 20 times.

Rule eight:if you hide from us the punishments is getting stabbed 10 times.

"now! Here are the places that you can go to in this house!"

𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥. (book 2) (Finished! may Get Back On Writing In The Future) Where stories live. Discover now