Chapter 2: First Working Day

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I go to the others for breakfast and join them at a table. "Hey Greenie. Ready for your first day of work?" Newt asks. "Yea." I say, digging into my food. "Slow down, you'll give yourself hiccups." Summer laughs. I slow down eating. "I better go, I really want to get that building finished soon." Summer says, standing up and walking away. I finish my food a few minutes later and offer to clean up everyone's plates.

When I'm done I go over to a frame structure of a hut where Summer is working. "Aren't you supposed to be doing your job? I didn't know you were a builder." I say, walking up to her. "Oh, well there isn't enough people for each job so we all have to do different things at the moment. Oh and I'm not a builder, I'm a med-jack." "Med-jack?" "Yea, you know, like a doctor." she explains. "Ahh, ok. So what are you building?" I ask. "Oh, just a med-jack hut for me to work in. Want to help or are you just going to stand there asking me questions all day?" She smirks at me. I chuckle, kneel down beside her and start working. We join up pieces of wood for walls and the roof, and get just over half of the structure done by dinner. "Great working today Gally, we will have it finished tomorrow." Summer tells me, walking over to dinner with me. We sit down and eat, the walls close shut, and we settle down to sleep. I guess that's the usual routine as no one seems to be bothered by it.

I get into my hammock and start to drift off into sleep. I wake up a few times in the night but I close my eyes again. A few minutes later I feel the hammock tip slightly. I open my eyes again and see Summer looking down at me. "Hey." she whispers. "Hi." I mumble. "Couldn't sleep?" She asks. "Nah." She sighs. "Me neither. I brought you some water." she hands me a glass. "Thanks." I say, sitting up and taking the glass. I drink the water and place the glass down on the table.

I see she's still staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I question. "Just because you have lovely, soft hair-" she says, gently running her fingers through my hair. "beautiful, green eyes-" she stares deeply into my forest-green eyes. "a strong, sexy body-" she slips her hand under my shirt, sliding her hand up and down my chest and along my abs. "and hot, enticing lips." she whispers as she leans forward. She gently strokes my lips with her thumb, our lips millimetres apart. Then she quickly stands up and walks away, winking at me.

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