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PROMPT: "I just wanna be with the one person that feels like home."


"Hey H?" I asked as we sat on the couch together.

"Hmm?" he mumbled, still focusing on the television.

"Are you scared about all this?" I tried to hide my own concern.

"All what?" he finally turned to look at me.

"This whole corona thing. And like if everything shuts down." I explained as I messed with my hands in my lap.

"I wouldn't say scared. It's definitely a bit concerning, but we'll be alright. I just hope it doesn't affect tour too much," Harry answered honestly.

"What happens if we do get shut down?" I mumbled.

"We'll figure it out, we always do. Just means I get to spend even more of my days cuddling you" he chuckled. We've been together for years, but I will never get over how soft this boy is for cuddles.

"Okay" I said and looked back at the tv, even if I wasn't really paying attention with my mind going a million miles a second.

"Hey. Don't do that, talk to me. Are you scared?" Harry grabbed my arm and made me scoot closer to him.

"You know how I am. Everything about this makes me anxious" I told him honestly. I really didn't want to cry and be dramatic, but this whole thing was driving me crazy without any answers or certainties to count on anymore.

"Well what can I do?" he said before bringing his hands to my face and kissing my forehead.

"I was wondering, well I mean.. No, never mind. I'm overreacting" I shifted away from him again.

"No, c'mon, tell me. Tell me. Tell meeeeee" he pulled me back again and started poking me and lightly tickling.

"Okay, okay. I guess I was just wondering. You know, in case we get locked down and all. It would just make me feel safer and so I figured" I rambled.

"Spit it out!" he laughed, poking me again for emphasis.

"I just thought...maybeIcouldmovein?" I rushed out, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"What?" he sounded shocked for a minute.

"You know, so we can quarantine together and not get stuck separated and we could share snacks and-" I quickly tried to cover up my disappointment and embarrassment.

"Okay I did hear you right. I thought you'd never ask" he smiled his big goofy grin I fell in love with all those years ago.

"Wait, so is that a yes?" I perked back up.

"Of course. You're here all the time, I mean you're never at your place, you hardly even have anything left there. I'll just pick up a few boxes next time I'm out and then we'll all go get your last things" he buzzed, clearly excited by the idea.

"Okay good. I mean, in all this chaos, ...I just wanna be with the one person that feels like home, you know?" I admitted, snuggling into him.

"There's no one else I'd rather be bored out of my mind and stuck inside with." Harry deadpanned.

"Wow Hazza, I think that's just about the most romantic you've ever been" I laughed, using the old nickname he'd grown slightly annoyed by.

And so we began our quarantine.

After one pit stop at my now old apartment of course.

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