Movie Date

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PROMPT: "This movie is really scary, but you're into it so I'm trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?"


"We're leaving!!" Pauli announced as he, Sarah, and Mitch made their way out.

"See you guys later" Mitch said in his much more calm demeanor.

"Don't leave me with him!" I shouted hiding behind the couch as Harry playfully chased me around the sofa.

"Harry! Leave the poor girl alone" Sarah gave Harry a warning eye we all knew would have no effect on the crazy boy.

"Sorry y/n, you're on your own with this one" Mitch deadpanned and the trio made it out of the doorway before I could get another word in.

"Don't you even dare" I flipped Harry off before going to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"But I'm bored alreadyyyy" he said, but slowed down anyways.



"I thought we were gonna have a movie date today? The house has finally cleared out" I waved my eyebrows, but couldn't keep a straight face and started giggling. We had a wonderful afternoon with Harry's band, but they had him all tour and I couldn't say I wasn't grateful for us to finally be alone.

"Aha! You're all mine now!" Harry ran up to me and twirled me in a circle.

"Harry! Put me down!" I squealed, "My popcorn's gonna burn"

"You're bringing the pop to the cinema? I'd prefer if you were getting yourself wet for me" Harry smirked, putting me down and letting me get our snack out of the microwave.

"I can't believe you're quoting your own songs.. Narcissist" I muttered.

"Can I pick the movie today? I love you but if I have to watch one more Noah Centineo movie-" Harry walked to the couch as I brought our plates over.

"If you know what's good for you, you won't finish that sentence" I warned, making a show of filling my popcorn bowl more than his, even though I knew he'd still end up taking from mine, "but yes, you can pick"

"Ok. Oh hey, can you grab some candies too? Pleaseee" he said as he grabbed the remote.

"Yeah sure. Want a drink too?" I got up and made my way back to the fridge.

"Water please!" he called.

I grabbed everything and came back to the couch where I plopped myself next to him.

"What are we watching?" I asked before shoving some candies into my mouth.

"You'll see. Now shh, it's starting!" he said excitedly, which meant trouble for me.

Sure enough, The Conjuring started playing on Netflix.

"Asshole" I mumbled quiet enough for Harry to miss it.

I was a complete baby when it came to scary movies and I always steered us away from watching any, so Harry had to know my fear.

Eventually we both finished our snacks and I slowly started inching closer and closer to Harry under our blanket.

After a while I debated just shoving my head under the blanket and admitting defeat, but for a moment I settled on setting my gaze on Harry for a moment. And dang is my boyfriend cute.

Wait, focus.

I turned my head back towards the screen, only to snap my head right back to Harry as the movie was getting more intense.

"Babyyy. I can feel you staring at me" he spoke up, still not tearing his eyes from the movie, "Do I have something on my face?"

"No" I responded, still not even attempting to watch the movie anymore.

"What is it?" he huffed and finally tore his gaze away from the screen.

"This movie is really scary, but you're into it so I'm trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?" I screamed as I momentarily looked back at the movie and was horrified with what I saw.

I quickly buried myself deeper into his side and finally dug my head into his shoulder out of fear.

All he did was laugh and hold me into his side.

"It's not funny. Screw you!" I mumbled into his shirt.

"Fine, fine, I'm turning it off" he said and I felt his arm reach out for the remote.

I waited until I heard the sound cut out and I was sure he exited out of Netflix before I popped my head back up.

"Better?" he laughed as I glared at him.

"Reallllll funny. What's not gonna be funny is when I don't let you leave my side so I can sleep after that!" I sassed.

"I don't see how that's supposed to be a bad thing. Come on, let's go." he smirked, picking me up off the couch and leading us to the bedroom.

"I'm gonna get you for this Styles" I grumbled as he tossed me onto the bed.

"Oh yea?" his grin grew wider as we got situated in bed.

"Mhm. You'll see" I yawned, cuddling further into his side.

"Okay Big Stuff. We'll see in the morning" he said and we laid in silence until we both dozed off.

But not before I heard Harry mumble, "You know, I don't even like scary movies either, I just like you close."

And that's how we both ended up waking up an hour later from nightmares.

Harry: 0

Me: 0

Scary Movies: 1

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